Board Meeting Minutes – January 23, 2020


Board Members Present:   Don Wicks, Ken Aberle, Linda Fountain, Lisa Dutz, Mark Franzen, Thomas Gunn, Michael Steffl

Board Members Absent:   Amber Morgan, Malcolm Moreno

Staff Present:   Kris Conway, Kyle Culley, Laurie Lago

Members Present:   Cam Dutz,

This meeting of the LA Water Cooperative was called to order at 6:00pm by Don Wicks, Chairman

Secretary’s Report:   The minutes of the December 2019 meeting was presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Mark Franzen. Seconded by Ken Aberle. Voted & Passed

Treasurer’s Report:    End of year P&L statement presented.
Motion to approve by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Mark Franzen. Votes & Passed

Business Manager’s Report:   Report presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Ken Aberle. Voted & Passed
Laurie Lago informed the board she was looking into options for handling bad debt collections .

Operations Manager’s Report:   The field manager’s report was presented by Kris Conway.

  • Emergency Repair Callout – Hartley road had a mainline break, large rock underground shifted and broke line. Leak on customer side on 405th Place.
  • Capital Planning 2020 – East Gaston Bridge Project moving forward.
  • Quail Run Leaks – 5 joint separations repaired which will save an estimated 50K gallons of water loss.
  • Southwind Leak – broken pipe found and repaired which will save and estimated 20K gallons of water loss.
  • Dixon Mill – pump and pressure switch replaced.
  • Equipment Maintenance – Currently having maintenance done on equipment in preparation for the spring and summer, which is our busy time for projects.
  • Sample complications

Motion to approve by Ken Aberle. Seconded by Mark Franzen. Voted & Passed


Old Business

  1. OAWU rate study – Rate analysis from Tim Tice – Don to work with Tim to complete to present at next meeting so we can have something ready for the Annual Meeting.
  2. Bald Peak property buyer wanting to move easement – Proposed new spot is a low point and there is concern about it being too low and would require pumping if needed for Bald Peak back-up. Motion to deny moving easement by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Mike Steffl. Voted & Passed. Kris Conway to notify property buyer.
  3. Hydrant replacement – 5 hydrants on list to complete in February
  4. Jet Pay – RVS has sent CD for update – Loaded and successfully transferred files, working, but security not ideal. Working with RVS & Jet Pay to fix. Do not want to spend much more money or time if we are planning on changing systems. Look into removing one-time payment option which is the security issue.
  5. QuickBooks – Waiting on server


New Business

  1. Leak Credits:
    Baughman – Not approving bill reimbursement with explanation but Leak Credit is approved
    Spry – approved
    Motion to approve by Ken Aberle. Seconded by Tom Gunn. Voted & Passed
  2. A/P Checks:   Laurie Lago to check bylaws and legal issues on non-profits doing online payments.
  3. Hartley Road Leak:   Kris Conway explained break and repairs and showed pictures.
  4.  Lab Results:  Kris Conway – hot (chlorine) lab samples – our test showing .5 but lab coming up with 10.0 – flushed line thoroughly – switched out sample bottles for new ones and test came back clean. Appears to be bad sample bottles. Kris Conway will be meeting with State regarding bad samples on Friday 1/24/20.
  5. 2019 Total Water Loss Report:   Kris Conway – Presented last ten years, shows that we are down from last year.
  6. East Gaston Bridge Project, Phase 1:   Kris Conway –This will impact capital projects. 16K for IGA and design to Washington County needs to be approved by board. 25K if WestTech Engineering does the work, cost effective to have Washington County do the work.
    Motion to approve the 16K by Ken Aberle. Seconded by Tom Gunn. Voted & Passed.
  7. New Certificate Request:   Kris Conway – Due to storage shortage at Jordan Reservoir, it was recommended to deny and provide customer with all options and cost details.
    Motion to deny certificate by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Ken Aberle. Voted & Passed



Motion to Adjourn by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted and Passed

Meeting Adjourned at 7:40pm