Board Meeting Minutes – July 26, 2018


BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Don Wicks, Ken Aberle, Linda Fountain, Lisa Dutz, Mark Franzen, Thomas Gunn, and David McAdams. BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Megan Corvus and Mike Steffl.

STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Carr and Kris Conway GUESTS PRESENT: Tim Leslie, LHL Homes

MEMBERS PRESENT: Cam Dutz, John Henslee, Craig Hutchens, Malcolm Moreno and Jerry Nethken.

This meeting of the L. A. Water Cooperative Board of Directors was called to order at 6:02 PM by Don Wicks, Chairman.

Secretary’s Report: The minutes of the monthly board meeting held on June 21, 2018 were presented in writing. MOTION by Mark Franzen to approve the minutes of June 21, 2018 as presented. Seconded by Tom Gunn. Voted. Passed.

Treasurer’s Report: The June Cash Flow Statement, YTD Cash Flow Statement, Balance Sheets, Statements of Operations, Performance to Budget and Capital Expense Report by project were presented in writing. The Board asked Kris Conway and Patricia Carr to be prepared to explain over/under amounts on the Performance to Budget Report each month. MOTION by Ken Aberle to approve the Financial Reports. Seconded by Lisa Dutz. Voted. Passed.

Business Manager’s Report: The Business Manager’s Report and June System Status Report were presented in writing. Discussion. MOTION by Tom Gunn to accept the Business Manager’s Report as presented. Seconded by Lisa Dutz. Voted. Passed.

Field Manager’s Report: The Field Manager’s Report, Water Loss Report, and June Consumption Report presented in writing. Kris Conway gave a verbal review of the Field Manager’s Report. Kris Conway stated that the Master Plan was 75% complete and there will be approximately $20,000.00 in additional costs because of the new state regulations requiring a seismic study. Kris Conway will send Denny Muchmore’s email to the Board. The Board requested Kris Conway get firm numbers for the cost of completing the Master Plan. MOTION by Mark Franzen to accept the Field Manager’s Report as presented. Seconded by Tom Gunn. Voted. Passed.


Office Assistant: Our part-time, temporary, office assistant started work on July 9th and has been a great help getting bills out and assisting with reports.

Phone for part time field personnel: Kris Conway gave the cost of purchasing a phone and an additional line. Discussion. MOTION by David McAdams to require the part time field personnel to have a phone and to pay a $20.00 monthly stipend for his use of his personal phone. Seconded by Ken Aberle. Voted. Passed. Thomas Gunn opposed.


Backhoe Rental: Kris Conway presented cost sheets for backhoe rental from Conway Mat Refinishing Inc. and a rate sheet from Schmidt Excavating. Discussed. Kris Conway is to get prices on backhoe rentals from other companies. Kris Conway will check on the projected costs of continuing to hire out backhoe services and the estimated cost of the Co-op purchasing a backhoe.

LiquiVision Technology: Kris Conway presented the cost of having our tanks inspected and cleaned by LiquiVision divers over the next two years. Kris Conway will prepare a cost report of having the tanks inspected by divers versus draining the tanks to inspect them. The report is to include risks and benefits of each option.

Insurance: David McAdams presented a report on his meeting with Tom BeLusko, WSC Insurance. Discussion. MOTION by Ken Aberle to purchase an additional $1,000,000.00 excess liability coverage. Seconded by Lisa Dutz. Voted. Passed. Patricia Carr to notify Tom BeLusko and copy David McAdams.

Discussed amending the Articles of Incorporation section on indemnifying the Board of Directors. David McAdams will work on wording to amend the Articles and will meet with Lucas Welliver, attorney, to set the wording.


Banking: Patricia Carr stated that Premier Community Bank is merging with Heritage Bank and more CD options will be available. A report will be presented at the August meeting.

MOTION by Linda Fountain to adjourn at 8:27 p.m. Seconded by Lisa Dutz. Voted. Passed.