BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Don Wicks, Ken Aberle, Linda Fountain, Mark Franzen, Mike Steffl, David McAdams, Lisa Dutz..
BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Megan Corvus and Thomas Gunn.
STAFF PRESENT: Kris Conway, Jerry Nethken STAFF ABSENT: Patricia Carr
MEMBERS PRESENT: Cam Dutz, John Henslee, and Malcolm Moreno.
This meeting of the L. A. Water Cooperative Board of Directors was called to order at 7:11 PM by Don Wicks.
Election of Officers:
Linda Fountain nominated Don Wicks as President. Ken Aberle seconded. Voted. Passed.
Mark Franzen nominated Ken Aberle as Vice President. Don Wicks seconded. Voted. Passed.
Linda Fountain nominated Thomas Gunn as Treasurer. Mark Franzen seconded. Voted. Passed.
Mark Franzen nominated Linda Fountain as Secretary. Lisa Dutz seconded. Voted Passed.
David McAdams nominated Don Wicks as Chairman. Ken Aberle seconded. Voted Passed.
Don Wicks to remain as Liaison with staff.
Introduction of Board Members:
Lisa Dutz and David McAdams introduced themselves as the new board members. The existing board members, Kris Conway and Jerry Nethken introduced themselves to the new board members.
Secretary’s Report: The minutes of the monthly board meeting held on March 15, 2018 were presented in writing. MOTION by Mark Franzen to approve the minutes of March 15, 2018 as presented. Seconded by Mike Steffl. Voted. Passed.
Treasurer’s Report: The Balance Sheets, Statements of Operations, and Performance to Budget reports were presented in writing. There were a number of questions raised.
Kris Conway to find out from Patricia Carr when the inactive certificate statements will be mailed.
Mike Steffl asked for explanation of large difference in Accounts Receivable Miscellaneous line item.
David McAdams asked if the financial reports could be sent out before the board meetings so there was time to do a review. More discussion regarding what financial information is valuable to the Board and the timeliness of the reports.
Motion by Linda Fountain to postpone approval of the Financial reports. Seconded by Ken Aberle. Voted. Passed.
Business Manager’s Report: The Business Manager’s Report and March System Status Report were presented in writing. Discussion and requests for additional information.
Kris Conway said the Ward house is vacant but still has a leak.
Board asked to have the attorney provide a cost for getting an inherent easement and the possibility of success with that endeavor.
More details from Patricia Carr are needed.
Kris Conway to develop firm costs for resolving the Ward leak.
Motion by Mark Franzen to postpone approval of the Business Manager’s report. Seconded by Mike Steffl. Voted. Passed.
Field Manager’s Report: The Field Manager’s Report, was presented in writing. Kris Conway reviewed some of the larger items on the report. MOTION by Linda Fountain to accept the Field Manager’s Report as presented. Seconded by David McAdams. Voted. Passed.
Banking: As Tom Gunn will be unavailable until August, Mark Franzen said he would assist Patricia Carr with researching interest rates and options for investing Co-op funds. Don Wicks said he would talk with Tom Gunn to see if there were any outstanding issues in the financial area.
Shop roofing update: The shop roof work to start next week and this will include adding the tin around the new window.
Office Assistant Position: Kris Conway reported that six resumes had been received. The board directed Kris Conway to hold off on any interviews for the office assistant position. The board needs Patricia Carr’s list of responsibilities which are expected to be presented at the May meeting. Discussed the possibility of bringing in a consultant to do process improvement and documentation.
Water Rates: OAWU has presented a number of options and it is now up to the board to decide how to proceed. The rate increase is dependent on the development of a capital budget which is dependent on the completion of the master plan. Kris Conway said he thought the current estimate for the completion of the master plan was mid fall. The board asked Kris Conway to provide a progress report, updated completion date, and money spent to date at the next meeting.
Colwell Certificate Buy-back Request: Bruce Colwell requested the Cooperative buy back his unneeded water certificate (1133). The original cost was $1,350. MOTION by David McAdams to approve the buy-back at the rate last approved by the board. Seconded by Ken Aberle. Voted. Passed.
Laurelwood Water Users Cooperative Emergency Intertie: Kris Conway said an agreement had been set up stating that L.A. Cooperative would provide water on an emergency basis to the Laurelwood Water Users Cooperative. Kris Conway is to provide the board with a copy of that agreement so the board can decide if the agreement is to be continued. Kris Conway to get written documentation from Hillsboro Water that the L.A. Cooperative will get an offset for all water distributed under said agreement.
John Henslee asked about the long-term future of the system which is showing signs of wear and tear and the concern with old asbestos pipe.
MOTION by Linda Fountain to adjourn at 9:40 p.m. Seconded by Mark Franzen. Voted. Passed.
Executive Session