Board Meeting Minutes – April 25, 2024


Board Members Present:  Don Wicks, Dave McAdams, Linda Fountain, Terry Wymore, Joe Kuran, and Amber Morgan.

Board Members Absent: Joel Mulkey, Ted Leach, Tom Gunn

Staff Present:  Jason Bayne, and Matt Jackson

Guest Present: 

This meeting of the L. A. Water Cooperative was called to order at 6:00 PM by Don Wicks, President.

Regular Business

Secretary’s Report:  The minutes of the March 2024 meeting were presented in writing.  

Motion to approve by Amber Morgan.  Seconded by Terry Wymore. Voted and passed. 

Treasurer’s Report: March financials were presented. 

Motion to approve by Linda Fountain.  Seconded by Amber Morgan. Voted and passed. 

Business Manager’s Report was not presented due to the Business Manager being absent.

Operation Manager’s Reports:  presented in writing.

Motion to approve by Linda Fountain.  Seconded by Amber Morgan. Voted and passed. 

Old Business

  1. Tank relining 

Still working on the warranty language with TMS. Jason Bayne to to start looking at other companies.

2. 2024 Proposals 

Jason Bayne said our engineer reported a pump house would not be needed for the Cunningham project. That project is not scheduled until 2025.

Future topic should be to address a fail safe for the Withycomb pump station.

Gaston Dairy Line Capital improvement project is in progress. Black Rock is doing the project and the bid is $318k. Motion to approve the funding for the Gaston Line Capital Improvement Project.

Motion to approve by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Amber Morgan. Voted and passed.

3. Inactive Reservoir 

Jason Bayne to ask our engineer about moving the small Rossman reservoir to Bald Peak.

4. New Construction Contractors Template

Our attorney is working on the TMS contract. Since contracts are specific to a project/company, a template is probably not needed. 

5. Late Fees

Subject deferred to executive session

6. CDs coming due

Dave McAdams provided a list Treasury Bills and Certificate of Deposits.  Motion by Amber Morgan to roll the Treasury Bill coming due in into a Treasury Bill due in November, 2024.  Seconded by Terry Wymore.  Voted and passed. 

 New Business

  1. Inactive Certificate.  Board approved buying back the certificate for the original purchase price of $1,200.00 in compliance with the By-laws and will void the 2024 inactive fee if the member agrees to signing the certificate over to the L.A. Water Cooperative. 

  2. Contractor hit a waterline.  Jason Bayne said he has a dispute with the contractor for billing us for flaggers and his crew had to repair the break.  Jason Bayne was tasked with billing the contractor for our crew’s time.

  3. As Master Plan projects are being completed, Jason Bayne is updating the Master Plan.  Jason Bayne to file an updated Master Plan with the State.

  4. Jason Bayne said the tool budget is very small and would like some extra funding.  Kylie McDermott to have the quarterly budget prepared for the May meeting.  Budget review to be the focal point of the meeting.

  5. Jason Bayne is investigating the March water loss calculation.  There were not major leaks known leaks.  There is a discrepancy between what Hillsboro sends and what we are measuring of receiving.  Need to verify our flow meter at Withycomb is accurate

MOTION to adjourn by Don Wicks.  Seconded by Joe Kuran.  Voted and passed.   

Meeting Adjourned at 7:36 P.M.

Board Meeting Minutes – March 28, 2024


Board Members Present:  Don Wicks, Dave McAdams, Linda Fountain, Terry Wymore, Tom Gunn and Ted Leach, Joe Kuran and Amber Morgan.

Board Members Absent: Joel Mulkey

Staff Present:  Jason Bayne, Kylie McDermott, Garrett McCune, and Matt Jackson

Guest Present: Robert & Jennifer Rice

This meeting of the L. A. Water Cooperative was called to order at 6:00 PM by Don Wicks, President.

Welcome of new board members

Elect Officers

President & Chair – Don Wicks

Motion to approve by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Tom Gunn. Voted & Passed

Vice President – Terry Wymore

Motion to approve by David McAdams. Seconded by Tom Gunn. Voted & Passed

Secretary – Linda Fountain

Motion to approve by Terry Wymore. Seconded by Tom Gunn. Voted & Passed

Treasurer – David McAdams

Motion to approve by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Don Wicks. Voted & Passed

Regular Business

Secretary’s Report:  The minutes of the February 2024 meeting were presented in writing.

Motion to approve by Tom Gunn.  Seconded by Terry Wymore. Voted and passed.

Treasurer’s Report: February financials were presented.

Motion to approve by Tom Gunn.  Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted and passed.

 Business Manager’s Report presented in writing.

Motion to approve by Tom Gunn.  Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted and passed.

 Operation Manager’s Reports:  presented in writing.

Motion to approve by Ted  Leach.  Seconded by Tom Gunn. Voted and passed.

Old Business
1. Tank relining

Jason Bayne to present updated contract to TMS. David McAdams approved to sign final contract once TMS agrees.

2. 2024 Proposals

3. Member with two inactive certificates

4. Member with no proof of land ownership.

Member requested that Co-Op reach out to previous owner for original certificate. The member needs to organize receiving the original certificate.

5. Member with inherited certificates providing proof of ownership

6. Virtual Phone update

New Business

  1. Laurelwood Water Cooperative Presentation

Guests did not attend.

2. Bald Peak Reservoir Storage

3. Inactive Reservoir

Coop staff will research the inactive storage tank to determine its usability and best option.

4. New Construction Contractors Template

Coop’s attorney worked with David McAdams and Jason Bayne to create a template for to outline required documentation for current and future construction vendors. This template is meant to assist in the future with vendors knowing up front the documentation the coop will need for their proposals.

5. Late Fees

Coop staff will research software’s capabilities on fee structure and will come back with a proposal depending on capabilities.

6. CDs coming due in April

a.  Treasurer’s proposal regarding CDs and FDIC coverage

Motion to adopt Treasurer’s proposal by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Amber Morgan. Voted and approved.

7. Voting Ballot and Voting Envelopes

Staff requesting for feedback and future recommendations for the annual meeting mailings and processes.

8. Leak Credit Request

Motion to approve by Ted Leach. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted and approved.

9. Hardship Certificate Application

After conversation with member, the hardship certificate has been approved as a regular certificate, not a hardship.

Motion to approve by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Tom Gunn. Voted and passed.

MOTION to adjourn by Linda Fountain.  Seconded by Joe Kuran.  Voted and passed.  

Meeting Adjourned at 8:27 P.M.




Board Meeting Minutes – February 22, 2024


Board Members Present:  Don Wicks, Dave McAdams, Linda Fountain, Joel Mulkey, Terry Wymore, Tom Gunn and Ted Leach.

Board Members Absent: Lisa Dutz, and Amber Morgan

Staff Present:  Jason Bayne, Kylie McDermott

Guest Present:  

This meeting of the L. A. Water Cooperative was called to order at 6:00 PM by Don Wicks, President.

Regular Business

Secretary’s Report:  The minutes of the January 2024 meeting were presented in writing.  

Motion to approve by Tom Gunn.  Seconded by Terry Wymore. Voted and passed. 

Treasurer’s Report: January financials were presented. 

Motion to approve by Linda Fountain.  Seconded by Tom Gunn. Voted and passed. 

Business Manager’s Report presented in writing.

Motion to approve by Joel Mulkey.  Seconded by Dave McAdams. Voted and passed. 

Motion to adjust SDC fees to match Hillsboro Water’s. SDC fees lowered to 7094.00. 

Motion to approve by Dave McAdams. Seconded by Terry Wymore. Voted and passed.

Operation Manager’s Reports:  presented in writing.

Motion to approve by Tom Gunn.  Seconded by Joel Mulkey. Voted and passed. 

Old Business

  1. Letter to members regarding water certificate per dwelling.

2. Tank Relining Jason Bayne and Dave McAdams to meet with the attorney on Wednesday regarding the contract.

3. 2024 Proposals

 New Business

  1. Leak Credit Request

Motion to approve all leak credit requests submitted by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted and passed. 

2. Payment Plan Request

3. One member has two inactive certificates and has not paid in two years. Member has been sent certified mail and brother has been contacted to confirm the address. Send second certified mail with 45 days to respond before forfeit. If second certified mail comes back not signed do an heir search and charge him for search. 

4. Person asking for certificate to be transferred to them but no proof they own the land, just the mobile home on the land. Person must provide proof they own the land before certificate can be transferred to them. 

5. Person wanting to get certificate but needs to provide proof of ownership of property before transfer can occur. 

6. Some complaints came to Don regarding phone calls and in person customer service. Business Manager to get a virtual phone to respond to phone calls while working from home on Fridays. 

MOTION to adjourn by Tom Gunn.  Seconded by Ted Leach.  Voted and passed.   

Meeting Adjourned at 7:20 P.M.

Executive Session

 Re-Adjourned at 8:07 P.M.

Motion to allocate available funds to three capital improvement projects. The tank relining, reservoir installation and gaston line replacement projects. 

Motion to approve by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Dave McAdams. Voted and Passed.

Motion to adjourn by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted and passed. 

Meeting adjourned at 8:12 P.M,

Board Meeting Minutes – January 25, 2024


Board Members Present:  Don Wicks, Dave McAdams, Linda Fountain, Amber Morgan, Joel Mulkey, Lisa Dutz, Terry Wymore and Ted Leach.

Board Members Absent: Tom Gunn

Staff Present:  Jason Bayne, Matt Jackson, Garrett McCune Kylie McDermott

Guest Present:  

This meeting of the L. A. Water Cooperative was called to order at 6:01 PM by Don Wicks, President.

Regular Business

Secretary’s Report:  The minutes of the December 2023 meeting were presented in writing.  

Motion to approve by Dave McAdams.  Seconded by Amber Morgan. Voted and passed. 

Treasurer’s Report: December financials were presented. 

Motion to approve by Amber Morgan.  Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted and passed. 

 Business Manager’s Report presented in writing.

Motion to approve by Linda Fountain.  Seconded by Amber Morgan. Voted and passed. 

Operation Manager’s Reports:  presented in writing.

Motion to approve by Amber Morgan.  Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted and passed. 

Old Business

  1. Letter to members regarding water certificate per dwelling.
  2. Tank Relining
  3. 2024 Proposals


New Business

  1. Leak Credit Request


MOTION to adjourn by Ted Leach.  Seconded by Joel Mulkey.  Voted and passed.   

Meeting Adjourned at 7:55 P.M.

Executive Session


Board Meeting Minutes – December 21, 2023

Board Members Present: Don Wicks, Dave McAdams, Linda Fountain, Amber Morgan, Joel
Mulkey, Lisa Dutz, and Ted Leach.
Board Members Absent: Tom Gunn, Terry Wymore
Staff Present: Jason Bayne, Matt Jackson, Kylie McDermott
Guest Present: Nicole & Travis Kindler, Joe Zampko
This meeting of the L. A. Water Cooperative was called to order at 6:00 PM by Don Wicks,
Regular Business
Secretary’s Report: The minutes of the October & November 2023 meeting were presented in
Motion to approve by Amber Morgan. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted and
Treasurer’s Report: October and November financials were presented.
Motion to approve by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Amber Morgan. Voted and
Business Manager’s Report presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Amber Morgan. Seconded by Joel Mulkey. Voted and
Operation Manager’s Reports: presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Joel Mulkey. Seconded by Amber Morgan. Voted and
Old Business
1. Letter to members regarding water certificate per dwelling. Lawyer will put
together a paragraph to include in the annual meeting notices.
Motion to approve by David McAdams. Seconded by Joel Mulkey. Voted and
2. Hardship Certificate – Septic inspection completed on 12/12.
3. Fee Schedule Updates
Motion to approve by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Ted Leach. Voted and passed.
4. Laurelwood Estates Committee
Committee met with developers. Outlined the plan moving forward. Business Manager
to email the steps to the developer’s team.
5. Laurelwood Water Coop is seeking management team
No updates from Laurelwood Water Coop.
6. Tank relining
Operations Manager is continuing to reach out to different companies and work on
getting a variety of quotes.
7. 2024 Budget and Proposals
Transition to budget approval on quarterly basis instead of yearly. The proposed 2024
operational budget is approved for the first quarter of 2024.
Motion to approve by David McAdams. Seconded by Joel Mulkey. Voted and passed.
New Business
1. Leak Credit Request
Motion to approve by Amber Morgan. Seconded by Joel Mulkey. Voted and
MOTION to adjourn by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Amber Morgan. Voted and passed.
Meeting Adjourned at 9:07 P.M.

Board Meeting Minutes – November 30, 2023

Board Members Present: Don Wicks, Dave McAdams, Linda Fountain, Amber Morgan, Joel
Mulkey, Lisa Dutz, Ted Leach, and Terry Wymore.
Board Members Absent: Tom Gunn
Staff Present: Jason Bayne, Matt Jackson, Kylie McDermott
Guest Present: Cam Dutz
This meeting of the L. A. Water Cooperative was called to order at 6:00 PM by Don Wicks,
Regular Business
Secretary’s Report: The minutes of the October 2023 meeting were presented in writing.
Motion to postpone meeting minutes by Amber Morgan. Seconded by Terry
Treasurer’s Report:
Motion to postpone by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Amber Morgan. Voted and
Business Manager’s Report presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Joel Mulkey. Voted and
Operation Manager’s Reports: presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Dave McAdams. Voted and

Old Business
1. Letter to members regarding water certificate per dwelling. Lawyer has been
contacted. His schedule is packed at this time.
2. Fee Schedule Updates.
A new fee schedule has been discussed and updated. A finalized version will be
presented at the next meeting.
Motion to approve by Ted Leach. Seconded by Dave McAdams. Voted and
3. Laurelwood Estates Committee
A meeting will be scheduled with the developers and the committee.
4. Hardship Certificate. The certificate needs to be transferred from previous holder
to new as a regular certificate. Member has been informed.

New Business
1. Laurelwood Water Coop is seeking a management team.
They will be invited to come speak at the next board meeting.
2. 2024 Budget and Proposals
● Three Year Plan
● Vac Truck
● Software Update
● 2024 Budget
Budget and Proposals discussion postponed until next meeting.
Executive Session
MOTION to adjourn by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Amber Morgan. Voted and passed.
Meeting Adjourned at 9:05 P.M.

Board Meeting Minutes – October 26, 2023



Board Members Present:  Don Wicks, Dave McAdams, Linda Fountain, Amber Morgan, Lisa Dutz, Ted Leach, and Terry Wymore.

Board Members Absent: Joel Mulkey, Tom Gunn

Staff Present:  Jason Bayne, Matt Jackson, Kylie McDermott

This meeting of the L. A. Water Cooperative was called to order at 6:00 PM by Don Wicks, President.

Regular Business

Secretary’s Report:  The minutes of the September 2023 meeting were presented in writing.

Motion to approve by Dave McAdams.  Seconded by Amber Morgan.  Voted and passed.

Treasurer’s Report:

Motion to approve by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Amber Morgan. Voted and passed.

Business Manager’s Report presented in writing.

Motion to approve by Linda Fountain.  Seconded by Ted Leach.  Voted and passed.

The Rock Quarry Project has been capitalized.

Demos are scheduled for two new software companies to replace RVS.

Operation Manager’s Reports:  presented in writing.

Motion to approve by Linda Fountain.  Seconded by Amber Morgan.  Voted and passed.

Old Business

  1. Langley line update.

All the services have been moved over. The project is complete.

2. Home in bank foreclosure update.

Buyer has paid balance in full.

3. Letter to member with multiple homes on their property.

4. Heat Pump will be installed on November 2nd.

New Business

  1. Hillsboro Water Rate increase.


Hillsboro Water is increasing water rates effective January 1st 2024. PGE is also increasing rates. Due to this, a 10% rate increase for LA Water is recommended.

Motion to approve by Dave McAdams. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted and passed.

  1. Hardship Certificate Issue.

Inquire with member regarding the septic system. Provide water certificate with transfer fees as needed.

  1. Leak Credits presented in writing.


MOTION to adjourn by Amber Morgan.  Seconded by   Dave McAdams.  Voted and passed.  


Meeting Adjourned at 8:25 P.M.


Board Meeting Minutes – September 28, 2023


Board Members Present:  Dave McAdams, Linda Fountain, Joel Mulkey, Amber Morgan, Lisa Dutz, Ted Leach, and Terry Wymore.

Board Members Absent:  Don Wicks, Tom Gunn

Staff Present:  Jason Bayne, Matt Jackson, Kylie McDermott

Guest Present:  Steve Roper, Mike Willcuts, & Marc Willcuts

This meeting of the L. A. Water Cooperative was called to order at 5:50 PM by Linda Fountain, Secretary.

Guest Presentation

The co-op board will be putting together a committee to review the projects the guests have presented.

Regular Business

Secretary’s Report:  The minutes of the August 2023 meeting were presented in writing.

Motion to approve by Dave McAdams.  Seconded by Joel Mulkey.  Voted and passed.

Treasurer’s Report: Everything is on track.

Motion to approve by Joel Mulkey. Seconded by Terry Wymore. Voted and passed.

Business Manager’s Report presented in writing.

Motion to approve by Joel Mulkey.  Seconded by Linda Fountain.  Voted and passed.

Work on capitalizing the capital improvement project expenses.

Operation Manager’s Reports:  presented in writing.

Motion to approve by Joel Mulkey .  Seconded by Linda Fountain.  Voted and passed.

Mail out notices instead of door hangers for scheduled shut downs.

PRVs will require two major shuts downs. They are scheduled for October.

Old Business

  1. Langley line update.

Complete samples on Monday, then we’ll be able to move services over and the project will be complete.

2. Tractor has been sold

Sold for 10,000

3. Heat Pump Estimates

Amber Morgan sent over a few additional business to complete a quote.

Motion to approve installation of heat pumps

4. Mission Scada. Written Pros and Cons provided.

Motion to approve by Dave McAdams. Seconded by Joel Mulkey. Voted and passed.

5. Switching internet to Starlink versus Upward Access

Discussed with Upward Access regarding moving the satellite to a position that would provide better visibility to the tower. They are unable to do this. Starlink costs provided. Approved to switch to starlink based on similar costs to Upward Access.

6. Umpqua Bank option for money

The 350k is set aside for the tank relining when the time comes.

7. Cost for switch to hydraulic pumps

Tabled for now.

8. Increase for late fees

Tabled for now.

9. Home in bank foreclosure update

Home sold at auction. We are now waiting to hear from the new owners.

10. Letter to member with multiple homes on their property

Tabled for now.

New Business

  1. Leak credits presented in writing.

Motion to allow Operation Manager to approve leak credit applications of $500 or less.

Motion to approve by Dave McAdams. Seconded by Ted Leach. Voted and passed

  1. CDs

The two October CDs will be rolling into a new six month treasury bill or cd. Dave McAdams and Linda Fountain will contact the brokerage manager.

The November board meeting will be held on Thursday November 30th.

MOTION to adjourn by Amber Morgan.  Seconded by Dave McAdams.  Voted and passed.  

Meeting Adjourned at 8:26 P.M.








Board Meeting Minutes – August 24, 2023


Board Members Present:  Don Wicks, Dave McAdams, Linda Fountain, Tom Gunn, Joel Mulkey, and Terry Wymore.

Board Members Absent:  Amber Morgan, Lisa Dutz, Ted Leach

Staff Present:  Jason Bayne, Matt Jackson, Kylie McDermot

Guest Present:  None

This meeting of the L. A. Water Cooperative was called to order at 6:00 PM by Don Wicks, President.

Regular Business

Secretary’s Report:  The minutes of the July 2023 meeting were presented in writing.

Motion to approve by Linda Fountain.  Seconded by Tom Gunn.  Voted and passed.

Treasurer’s Report:  No Treasurer’s report available at this time.

Business Manager’s Report presented in writing.

Motion to approve by Tom Gunn.  Seconded by Dave McAdams.  Voted and passed.

  • Member in receivership will be shut off for lack of payment as the name on the certificate is not included in the receivership paperwork.
  • Dental cannot be added until renewal. Linda Fountain to get the quote process started with Regence in mid-September.
  • Linda Fountain to ask Upward Access about improving internet. Matt Jackson to look into using Star Link at the Coop.
  • Kylie McDermott gave the board an overview of the To-do list she had developed for her position.
  • Kylie McDermott to proceed with moving to QuickBooks on-line.

Operation Manager’s Reports:  presented in writing.

Motion to approve by Tom Gunn.  Seconded by Linda Fountain.  Voted and passed.

  • Rock Quarry. Line is complete.  New line pressure tested, chlorinated, and sampled.  Shutdown most of Gibson Road for about 5 hours.  Completed August 15.
  • Langley Line. Temporary stop of work due to lack of staff.
  • Lambert, Jordan, Gammon. New estimate of for getting the interior replaced very high.  Working with a new vendor recommended by our engineer and other municipalities.

Old Business

  1. Mainline Re-alignment in Rock Quarry. See Operation Manager’s report.
  2. Langley line has a leak. See Operation Manager’s report.
  3. Increasing late fees and all other fees. Finalized the correct Hillsboro SDC fee.  Jason Bayne (Operations Manager) and Kylie McDermott (Business Manager) to put together proposal for updating fees.
  4. Letter to bank regarding home in foreclosure. Linda Fountain to ask Amber Morgan for bank information regarding the property.
  5. Letter to member with multiple homes on their property.
    Linda Fountain and Kylie McDermott to collaborate on the letter to homeowner.
  6. Umpqua Bank account not earning interest.
    Kylie McDermott to look into options including closing account and investing funds or applying funds towards major projects and present to the board at the next meeting..

New Business

  1. Leak credits presented in writing.
    Motion to approve by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Joel Mulkey.  Voted and passed.
    Need to review the limit on leak credit amount Operations Manager can approves without board approval.
  2. Switch to QuickBooks On-line. Board approved; no motion required.
  3. Mission Scada. Looking to expand usage.
    Jason Bayne and Kylie McDermott to create a return-on-investment report and put a value on decrease in outages.  To be presented to the board again.
  4. Need for a heat pump to air condition the office areas. Suggested a 3-zone mini split set up, staff to do install, election needed to install electrical portion.
    Obtain a few quotes to compare having them installed by contractor or installing them inhouse in the fall.Motion to authorize heat pump at accost of $7,000 by Dave McAdams, seconded Tom Gunn. Voted and passed
    If quote is higher than $7,000, send email to the full board and vote via email.
  5. Sell of tractor and pumps.
    Board approved sale of the tractor and attachments.
    Jayson Bayne to provide a report on the cost and benefits of replacing the gas pumps with hydraulic pumps to present to the board before selling gas pumps.

MOTION to adjourn by Tom Gunn.  Seconded by Linda Fountain.  Voted and passed.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:39 P.M.

Executive Session

Board Meeting Minutes – July 27, 2023


Board Members Present:  Don Wicks, Dave McAdams, Linda Fountain, Lisa Dutz (in 6:16), Ted Leach, Tom Gunn (out 6:16), Joel Mulkey, and Terry Wymore.

Board Members Absent:  Amber Morgan

Staff Present:  Jason Bayne and Matt Thompson

Guest Present:  None

This meeting of the L. A. Water Cooperative was called to order at 6:00 PM by Don Wicks, President.

Regular Business

Secretary’s Report:  The minutes of the June 2023 meeting were presented in writing.

Motion to approve with corrections by Dave McAdams.  Seconded by Tom Gunn.  Voted and passed.

Treasurer’s Report:  No Treasurer’s report available due to lack of staffing.

Business Manager’s Report presented in writing.

Motion to approve by Joel Mulkey.  Seconded by Tom Gunn.  Voted and passed.

Hiring committee met with multiple candidates for the Office Manager position and made an offer.  New hire to start August 14.

Replaced old postage machine because it had died and needed to be placed in 2024.

Completed 990 information request for Jones and Roth.

Follow up email regarding the Chalice Receivership was sent to Lucas Welliver but no response as yet.

Operation Manager’s Reports:  presented in writing.

Motion to approve by Tom Gunn.  Seconded by Dave McAdams.  Voted and passed.

  • Rock Quarry. August 31 will be the start of new 6-inch line installation.  Staging of materials already complete.  Jason to send email to Kern covering project dates.
  • Langley Line. Started the Langley line project and have 500 feet of new line buried.
  • Muddy Gulch. Found a variable frequency drive in the shop.  Installed new drive and now have both pumps operating at Muddy Gulch station.
  • Dixon Mill Booster pump. It is running well.
  • Lambert, Jordan, Gammon. Should have an estimate by August 31 for interior coatings on these three reservoirs.  Estimate from new company – Integrated Underwater Services.
  • Repaired a leak on Hartley Rd.  It looks like it has been leaking for quite some time.  Installed 3 new service lines on Roy Jean Lane and repaired water service on Dixon Mill that looked like it has been leaking for a while
  • Service line installation on Laurelwood Drive.
  • Garrett has been mowing around all the reservoirs and spraying blackberries, doing locates, and doing data pulls for customers.
  • A lot of customers were complaining about their bill which is normal this time of year. Everyone is turning on their irrigation system and finding leaks.
  • System GPS. Any extra time we have goes into updating GPS of the distribution systems.
  • Laurelwood estates new development. They have verbal agreement for a new pump station easement.  They still have more things they need to accomplish before they can get permits which Denny is communicating and answering their questions.

Old Business

  1. Mainline Re-alignment in Rock Quarry. See Operation Manager’s report.
  2. Langley line has a leak. See Operation Manager’s report.
  3. Increasing late fees and all other fees. Delayed until the new Office Manager is in place.  Remove revision date from water certificate fee as it is incorrect.
  4. Time limit on water meter installation for new water certificate – 60 days.

Approval needed for draft of new Approval for Water Use Certificate Letter.
Motion to approve new Approval for Water Use Certificate by Linda Fountain.  Seconded by Terry Wymore.  Voted and passed.

  1. Letter to bank regarding home in foreclosure.
    Need to know which bank needs to be notified.
  2. Letter to member with multiple homes on their property.
    Temporarily on hold.

New Business

  1. Umpqua Bank Account not earning interest.
    Leave for now. More information needed.
  2. Leak credits.
    Motion to approve all four credits presented
    Motion to approve by Ted Leach. Seconded by Dave McAdams.  Voted and passed.
    Need to review the limit on leak credit amount Operations can approves without board approval.
  3. Review of fees. (Current late fee is 10% per Annum.)
  4. Water User Certificate approvals.
    Denied due to oversold condition on the valley floor. Jason to see if there is an easement as the line runs between properties.
    Research previous conversation regarding allowing a tank on property with 3 days’ supply in lieu of certificate approval. Past customer did a well instead due to cost.
  5. Linda Fountain to call B/C Regence regarding Cooperative paid dental to existing benefits. Send out email to board and vote by email.

MOTION to adjourn by Linda Fountain.  Seconded by Dave McAdams.  Voted and passed.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:12 P.M.

Executive Session