Board Members Present: Don Wicks, Amber Morgan, Dave McAdams, Linda Fountain, Lisa Dutz, Tom Gunn, Joel Mulkey, and Terry Wymore.
Board Members Absent: Ted Leach
Staff Present: Tish King, Jason Bayne, and Matt Thompson
Member/Guest Present: Steve Roper, Mike Willcuts
This meeting of the L. A. Water Cooperative was called to order at 6:00 PM by Don Wicks, President.
Guests Steve Roper and Mike Willcuts addressed the board about updates to Laurelwood Estates Project.
Introduction of New Staff: Operation Manager: Jason Bayne, Field Technician: Matt Thompson, Business Manager: Tish King
Regular Business
Secretary’s Report: The minutes of the March 2023 meeting were presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Amber Morgan. Seconded by Tom Gunn. Voted and passed.
Treasurer’s Report: presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Amber Morgan. Voted and passed.
Motion by Tom Gunn to authorize Dave McAdams to roll over the proceeds of the CD that matured in April to a new CD due in two years. Seconded by Amber Morgan. Voted and passed.
Business Manager’s Report presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Dave McAdams. Voted and passed.
Operation Manager’s Reports: presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Amber Morgan. Voted and passed.
Jason Bayne to review the CDs from previous tank dives. Telemetry project using either SCADA or Mission put on hold due to the expense. Matt Thompson implemented a Diamond Maps/GPS system.
Old Business
- Mainline Re-alignment in Rock Quarry – topographical survey under review by our engineering firm.
New Business
- Bald Peak PRV at Whitmore needs to be replaced. Plan is to bypass existing PRV to limit the impact to water users.
- Langley line has a leak. Plan is to put in a new line and then hook up the water uses minimizing the down time.
- Water Certificate Request.
Motion to approved by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted and passed. - Leak Credit
Motion to approve by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Dave McAdams. Voted & passed. - Jason Bayne said he was getting quotes for a dump trailer and wanted to trade in the two existing trailers. The dump trailer will also haul the excavator and tractor.
Motion by Don Wicks to approve quote of $14K for the dump trailer and the trade ins. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted and passed. - The engineer working on the water line issue at the Westside Rock Quarry said he is pursuing use of a driveway for the new line.
- Discussed purchase of a vacuum trailer. Don Wicks recommended continuing rental instead of purchase.
- Dave McAdams brought up issue of the CD that rolled over in April. As treasurer Dave McAdams to be added as an authorized agent for the CDs. Board authorized the four board members to proceed with rolling over future CDs without additional board approval required.
- Tish King to review the Operations Budget. And make category changes as she and the field staff think are appropriate. There is to be no change to the bottom line already approved by the board.
MOTION to adjourn by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Dave McAdams. Voted and passed.
Meeting Adjourned at 7:44 P.M.
Executive Session