BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Don Wicks, Tom Gunn, Linda Fountain, Mike Steffl, Mark Franzen, Lisa Dutz and David McAdams at 6:06 p.m., Ken Aberle at 6:27 p.m..
STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Carr, Kris Conway and Kyle Culley
MEMBERS PRESENT: John Henslee and Jerry Nethken.
This meeting of the L. A. Water Cooperative Board of Directors was called to order at 6:03 PM by Don Wicks, Chairman.
Secretary’s Report: The minutes of the monthly board meeting held on July 26, 2018 were presented in writing. MOTION by Tom Gunn to approve the minutes of July 26, 2018 as presented. Seconded by Mark Franzen. Voted. Passed.
Treasurer’s Report: The July Cash Flow Statement, YTD Cash Flow Statement, Balance Sheets, Statements of Operations, Performance to Budget and Capital Expense Reports by project were presented in writing. Discussion. MOTION by Linda Fountain to accept the Financial Reports as presented. Seconded by Mark Franzen. Voted. Passed.
Business Manager’s Report: The Business Manager’s Report and July System Status Report were presented in writing. Discussion. MOTION by Tom Gunn to accept the Business Manager’s Report as presented. Seconded by David McAdams. Voted. Passed.
Field Manager’s Report: The Field Manager’s Report, Water Loss Report, and July Consumption Report were presented in writing. Kris Conway gave a verbal review of the Field Manager’s Report. Kris Conway stated that the Master Plan was scheduled to be completed in September. They are currently working on criteria for the seismic study. Kris stated that he had completed his CEU’s for recertification and had taken an Accountability class. MOTION by Mark Franzen to accept the Field Manager’s Report as presented. Seconded by Tom Gunn. Voted. Passed.
LiquiVision tank diving: Kris Conway got bids from Applied Technical Services, Inc. (in writing), Saez (verbal) and LiquiVision for inspecting 15 reservoirs. Discussion. Kris Conway recommended LiquiVision dive, clean and inspect the tanks at a cost of $17,000.00. Kris Conway is to verify with LiquiVision whether or not they are certified to inspect tanks.
Banking: Premier Community Bank is merging with Heritage Bank and there will be a broader range of CD options with higher interest rates than our current CDARs account which matures on August 31st. Patricia Carr and Tom Gunn are to meet and discuss the interest rates and options for dividing funds between the various levels.
Laptop for programming telemetry: Kris Conway presented cost estimates for replacing the Toughbook laptop for programming our telemetry at the pump stations. Discussion. Don Wicks stated that it should be kept within the current budget. Jerry Nethken stated he does not think another Toughbook is necessary, a less expensive alternative will serve his needs. Jerry Nethken will determine which laptop best meets the criteria he needs for programming the telemetry and will let Kris Conway know which computer he recommends.
Camelot Lane line replacement – phase one: Kris Conway explained the problem they are having with leaks on the Camelot Lane main line and presented a report estimating the cost of replacing the lower portion of the water line. Discussion. It was the board consensus that because of the continued problems with leaks, we should proceed with replacing this portion of the line.
City of Hillsboro contract renewal: Patricia Carr informed the Board that our 5-year renewal of the contract with the City of Hillsboro is due this December. Hillsboro’s legal department is making a couple of changes and will submit the document for the Board’s review as soon as it is completed.
Per Diem policy: Kris Conway requested that the board establish a per diem policy to cover meals when staff is out for training. Don Wicks stated this is something that needs to be discussed and approved prior to the event and should be kept within the budget.
Data: Kris Conway stated he will be working with Jerry Nethken to set up backup for the data he collects on two external hard drives.
Telemetry: Kris Conway stated that he is looking at options for extending our current telemetry.
MOTION by Tom Gunn to adjourn at 7:40 p.m. Seconded by Lisa Dutz. Voted. Passed.