BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Don Wicks, Ken Aberle, Tom Gunn, Linda Fountain, Lisa Dutz, Mark Franzen, Amber Morgan, and Mike Steffl,
STAFF PRESENT: Kris Conway and Kyle Culley
STAFF ABSENT: Patricia Carr
This meeting of the L. A. Water Cooperative Board of Directors was called to order at 6:00 PM by Don Wicks, Chairman.
Secretary’s Report: The minutes of May and June 2019 meetings were presented in writing. Linda Fountain to forward copies of the February and April minutes to Ken Aberle so they can be posted on the website.
Motion by Mark Franzen to accept the minutes from both months. Seconded by Ken Aberle. Voted and passed.
Treasurer’s Report: The May and June 2019 treasurer’s reports were not available and will be added to the August 2019 agenda.
Business Manager’s Report: The May and June 2019 Business Manager’s Report and May and June 2019 System Status Reports were not available and will be added to the August agenda. Amber Morgan and Linda Fountain to prepare these reports for the August 2019 meeting. Loading meters to the handhelds needs to start on the 25th of each month. A week is needed to get the meters read, any rereads completed as needed, and get invoices in the mail. The absence of an employee in the office caused some member invoices to have late fees. Any late fees included incorrectly will be adjusted off. Amber Morgan said that all bills had been paid. Need to work on requests for new water certificates and water certificate transfers.
Field Manager’s Report: The Field Manager’s Report was presented. Kris Conway reviewed the work done over the last month and the Water Loss Report. Poppy pump station failure caused the loss of two pumps. There was a significant leak on LaSalle and 85K gallons were lost. The East Gaston fire hydrant has been replaced with a blow off valve. Kris Conway will be attending a Laurelwood plan review meeting.
MOTION by Lisa Dutz to accept the Field Manager’s Report as presented. Seconded by Ken Aberle. Voted. Passed.
Parmele Road Waterline Relocation: Work is scheduled to start in the last week of August and should take about 2 days. Members will be without water for about 6 hours each day. Advance notice will be provided via door hangers and on the website.
OAWU rate Study: Don Wicks said he had not heard back from Tim Tice. Amber Morgan and Kris Conway gathered the additional information needed so should be receiving a response from Tim Tice by Tuesday, July 30, 2019.
Easement LaSalle Pump Station: Kris Conway reported that the process for obtaining the gifted easement from Dave Durbetaki is moving forward.
Office Security: A security camera system has been purchased. The system comes with 8 cameras and all are to be installed along with sign warning cameras are in place. Kris Conway received a safety overview from SAIF who said no other changes were needed beyond the security system. She did suggest some de-escalation training. Kris Conway said he had ordered a new door with a crash bar from Home Depot. However, they do not sell doors with a mail slot. Don Wicks suggested Kris Conway check with Suburban Door in Tualatin. Bars are also to be installed on the new window.
Jerry Nethken Replacement: Jerry Nethken has suggested a couple of possibilities for his replacement. One is Bentley Electric off LaSalle Road. There is a need to get someone soon so that Jerry has a minimum of two weeks for training.
Credit Card Payment: The invoice for the company credit card had been misplaced and was overdue. To prevent loss of the use of the card, Amber Morgan paid over the phone after checking with other board members via texting. The board was asked to officially approve the payment.
MOTION by Lisa Dutz to approve the payment. Seconded by Tom Gunn. Voted. Passed.
Accounts Payable Check and Billing Statement Stock: Amber Morgan presented the Board with the cost of the current Accounts Payable Check stock and the Billing Statements including less expensive alternatives for each. It was decided to not change the Accounts Payable stock at this time as there is not a need currently to reorder. The Board did agree to go with the black and white billing statements from FedEx on the next order of billing statements which will be required soon.
Office Rearrangement: The Board wanted the office to be arranged so that all personnel are located at the front of the office and equipment and file cabinets moved to the back room. Actual arranged to be directed by Amber Morgan and Linda Fountain.
MOTION by Ken Aberle to adjourn at 6:50 p.m. Seconded by Mark Franzen. Voted. Passed.
Executive Session
Reconvene at 7:55 PM.
MOTION by Tom Gunn to officially change the office hours to 8:00 to 5:00 Monday through Friday with a 1-hour unpaid lunch. Seconded by Ken Aberle. Voted. Passed.
MOTION by Tom Gunn to adjourn at 8:00 PM. Seconded by Ken Aberle. Voted. Passed.