Board Members Present: Linda Fountain, David McAdams, Tom Gunn, Megan Corvus, Don Wicks, Lisa Dutz, Amber Morgan, Ted Leach
Board Members Absent: Ken Aberle
Staff Present: Laurie Lago
This meeting of the LA Water Cooperative was called to order at 5:59pm by Don Wicks, Chair
Secretary’s Report – The minutes of the Feb. 2022 meeting were presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Amber Morgan. Seconded by Dave McAdams. Voted & Passed
Treasurer’s Report – presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Amber Morgan. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted & Passed
Operation Manager’s Reports – Business, Field, and Water Loss Reports presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Amber Morgan. Voted & Passed
Field Report – Report presented in writing is below:
Sunrise Peak/Melott Leak – Leak was discovered on the cross-county line that feed Sunrise Peaks and Melott. Pressure issues were reported late morning, leak located by early afternoon and repaired by 6pm. Break was located under a large tree and break was caused by roots that wrapped and broke pipe. Property owner was having some fire control logging done on his property, so he had the loggers go out the day after the repair and cut down the tree. Most customers just had low pressure all day with only a handful without water completely until the final hour when we had to shut down the line to complete the repair.
Poppy Pumphouse – Continuing to monitor the pumps and have parts and a new pump on order. Pressure is holding just high enough to keep things going for now.
Shop Organization – The crew is continuing to go through the shop and tools to organize and clean up. They have been cleaning tools and small equipment and repairing non-working items that can be repaired and getting rid of old broken tools as well as setting the shop up to be a more functional space. They have successfully managed to make room for all vehicles and water pipe to be stored inside the shop.
Offices – Repaired and filled holes in office walls and painted. Working on cleaning and re-organizing shop office to be functional as an office and all tools and supplies moved into shop area so everything is organized and located in one place.
Old Business
1. Customer water usage limits and rate information
Motion to approve option 1 by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted & Passed
2. Mainline Re-alignment in Rock Quarry – No update at this time
3. Service Line – abandon and move – No update at this time
New Business
1. Welcome new Board Members & Election of Officers
Motion to re-elect all officers to the same positions by Amber Morgan. Seconded by Dave McAdams. Voted & Passed – Don Wicks – President, Ken Aberle – Vice President, Linda Fountain – Secretary, Amber Morgan – Treasurer
2. Customer again addressed board regarding previous decision – No new information given that gave the board reason to reverse previous decision. Recommended customer hire her own engineer to review and will address again if new information is provided.
3. Leak Credits
Motion to approve by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Amber Morgan. Voted & Passed
4. Draft of Financials for Approval – Year-end Journal Entries included for reference
Motion to approve by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Dave McAdams. Voted & Passed
5. Annual Meeting Packet – documents attached for review
Motion to adjourn by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted & Passed
Meeting Adjourned at 6:41pm