Board Meeting Minutes – October 28, 2021


Board Members Present: Linda Fountain, Don Wicks, David McAdams, Amber Morgan, Tom Gunn, Lisa Dutz, Megan Corvus

Board Members Absent: Malcolm Moreno, Ken Aberle

Staff Present: Laurie Lago

This meeting of the LA Water Cooperative was called to order at 6:09pm by Linda Fountain, Secretary

Secretary’s Report – The minutes of the September 2021 meetings were presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Dave McAdams. Voted & Passed

Treasurer’s Report – Presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Dave McAdams. Voted & Passed

Operation Manager’s Reports – Business, Field, and Water Loss Reports presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Amber Morgan . Seconded by Tom Gunn. Voted & Passed

Field Report – Report presented in writing is below:

Lasalle Pump House: Faulty check valve on a pump at LaSalle pumphouse was replaced.

Parmele Leak: A reported leak on our line going up Parmele Road was repaired.

Leak between Hartley & Laurelwood: Leak on hillside below Hartley on cross country line leading to Parmele was located and fixed. We had about 12 customers with no water or very low pressure from a Wednesday to Monday morning while we were trying to locate the problem. Dan’s Leak Detection was hired to help and was able to pinpoint the leak in the area we suspected it to be. Stratus was able to immediately assist with digging it up so we could fix it as soon as it was located Monday morning.

Gammon/Bald Peak Outage: Received calls on a Saturday morning of water outages and low pressure on south side of Bald Peak. After investigating, it was discovered PGE had a power outage a couple days prior which we were unaware of and our Gammon Pump Station was affected. It had blown our electrical panel. Brightside Electrical responded on Saturday and repaired the panel. Due to the pumps at Gammon being offline for a few days, both Gammon and Bald Peak tanks were very low. It took all night Saturday for both tanks to fill and get people back in water. On Monday morning we received more calls in the same area that they had no water or low pressure. After investigating it was discovered the air release valve at the high point of Bald Peak near the Bald Peak Tank was malfunctioning. The ARV was repaired and we flushed lines to help release any trapped air which restored pressure back to all customers.

Edna Lane Taps: Meters were installed for 2 new services on Edna Lane.

Withycombe Pump Station: PGE had to cut power to Withycombe to repair a power pole. We scheduled the power outage to be after 10pm to prevent water disruption and since we have 2 pumps that need repaired at Withycombe, Nick worked a night shift and removed one of the pumps that needed repairs while the power was cut. Pump has been taken to HPS for seals to be replaced. When we shut down to re-install the repaired pump we will again schedule a night shift to prevent water interruption and at the same time we will remove the second pump that needs the bearings replaced.

Laurelwood Road PRV: Repaired broken valve on PRV on Laurelwood Road.

Dixon Mill Leak: Completed ground repair work from the Dixon Mill Leak in August.

Old Business:

1. Customer water usage limits and rate information – bring back next month for voting.
2. Mainline Re-alignment in Rock Quarry – In Process
3. Service Line – abandon and move – Nov. 10th

New Business:

1. Leak Credits
Motion to approve – Linda Fountain . Seconded by Dave McAdams. Voted & Passed.

2. New Service Request – no vote – notify customer of requirements needing met prior to being able to consider approval.

3. Capital Improvement Projects 2022 – Discussion regarding Capital Improvement Projects and system concerns. Operations Manager to meet with Engineer to review which projects we should consider first that we are within our funding capability.

Other Business:

1. Board Meeting for November – Meeting moved to Wed. 11/24 due to Thanksgiving.
Motion to approve Linda Fountain. Seconded By Tom Gunn. Voted & Passed

2. Board Meetings for December – Meeting to be moved to Thursday 12/16 due to Christmas.
Motion to approve Amber Morgan. Seconded By Tom Gunn. Voted & Passed

Motion to adjourn by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Amber Morgan. Voted & Passed.
Meeting Adjourned at 7:09pm