BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Gary Carr, Ken Aberle, Linda Fountain, Mark Franzen, and Thomas Gunn. BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Megan Corvus, Caroline Devin, and Mike Steffl.
STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Carr, Kris Conway
MEMBERS PRESENT: John Henslee and Caroline Salsbery
This meeting of the L. A. Water Cooperative Board of Directors was called to order at 7:00 PM by Gary Carr, Chairman.
Secretary’s Report: The minutes of the monthly board meeting on May 18, 2017 were presented in writing. MOTION by Tom Gunn to approve the minutes of May 18, 2017 as presented. Seconded by Ken Aberle. Voted. Passed.
Treasurer’s Report: The May Financial Summary, May Balance Sheets, May Statement of Operations, January – December Performance to Budget Report, AMR Meter Replacement Project Expense Sheet, Master Plan Expense Sheet, Withycombe Pump Station Flow Meter Project Expense Sheet and an Expense Sheet with Miscellaneous Capital Expenses were presented in writing. MOTION by Ken Aberle to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented. Seconded by Thomas Gunn. Voted. Passed.
Business Manager’s Report: The Business Manager’s Report and May System Status Report were presented in writing. MOTION by Thomas Gunn to accept the Business Manager’s Report as presented. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted. Passed.
Operations Report: The May Operations Report and 2017 Water Loss Report were presented in writing. Kris Conway went over the written report giving explanations for the work done in the last month. MOTION by Linda Fountain to accept the Operations Report as presented. Seconded by Thomas Gunn. Voted. Passed.
Withycombe Pump Station bids: Kris Conway stated that they broke ground today for the project.
Answering Service: Patricia Carr will research alternative options for an answering service.
Email Invoices and credit/debit card payments: The committee has researched email invoices and accepting credit/debit card payments and found that there are no acceptable options at this time.
OAWU Rate Study Quote: Kris Conway presented an estimate of $8,000.00 from OAWU to complete a water rate study with projections through 2021. Issue held over until the requesting board member is present.
Office Assistant: Discussed limited office space. No acceptable alternatives have been found locally. No further updates.
Goodin Creek master meter replacement: Goodin Creek Master Meter scheduled to be replaced on Monday, June 19.
Open House: Caroline Salsbery suggested that the Open House for Malcolm Moreno be combined with the LACE Center’s annual strawberry feed for the community and that the Co-op share in the cost of the strawberry feed. Board consensus was to approve combining these two events and share in the costs up to the previously approved budget amount for the Open House. Caroline Salsbery is to work with Ken Aberle, the Open House Committee Chairman.
Amendments to PWDS: Kris Conway presented the amendments to the Public Works Design Standards in writing. MOTION by Thomas Gunn to accept the proposed amendments. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted. Passed.
Hardebeck Road 4” water line: Kris Conway stated that we are being required to abandon part of our 4” waterline on the north end of Hardebeck Road so Washington County can do a culvert project.
Fee for predesign meetings: Kris Conway suggested that $600.00 should be adequate to cover our engineering costs and expenses. The fee will be required to be paid in advance of the meeting. MOTION by Ken Aberle to set the fee for predesign meetings at $600.00. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted. Passed.
Kris Conway stated that he will be scheduling classes for Kyle Culley in the next month.
MOTION by Thomas Gunn to adjourn at 8:21 p.m. Seconded by Ken Aberle. Voted. Passed.