Board Meeting Minutes – March 25, 2021


Board Members Present: Don Wicks, Linda Fountain, Amber Morgan, Ken Aberle, Lisa Dutz, Tom Gunn, David McAdams, Megan Corvus

Board Members Absent: Malcolm Moreno

Staff Present: Laurie Lago

Members Present: None

This meeting of the LA Water Cooperative was called to order at 6:05pm by Don Wicks, Chairman

Secretary’s Report – The minutes of the February 2021 meetings were presented in writing.

Motion to approve by Ken Aberle. Seconded by Tom Gunn. Voted & Passed

Treasurer’s Report – Presented in writing.

Motion to approve by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted & Passed

Operation Manager’s Reports – Business, Field, and Water Loss Reports presented in writing.

Motion to approve by Ken Aberle. Seconded by Amber Morgan. Voted & Passed

Field Report – Report presented in writing is below:

New Service Taps: Installed a new service connection on Melott and moved a service connection on Springhill.

Laurelwood/Parmele Leak: Repaired a leak near meters and valves on Laurelwood but did not seem to solve the problem. The area has several water lines and valves, as well as power lines and fiber, all intersecting and crossing each other. Currently working on a quote to have the area pot-hole vacuumed to help pinpoint the lines in the area to prevent damage when digging.

Roe Barn: Re-installed Pump Bypass.

Jordan Vault Drainage: Installed drainage line on Jordan Altitude Valves Vault to prevent water build-up inside the vault.

Flagger Training: Had a flagging class at the office to update certifications and certify employees that did not have flagger certification. Three employees now hold flagger certification.

Parking and Entrance Area to Shop/Office: Obtained free fill dirt from Yamhill County to fill and level parking lot/work areas around the shop and office. Spread gravel and extended parking for equipment, employees and customers.

Old Business

  1. Employee Tuition Reimbursement Policy – two separate documents presented. Tuition

Reimbursement Policy and Training and Development Policy.

Motion to approve both policies by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Amber Morgan. Voted & Passed

New Business

  1. Leak Credits

Motion to approve by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Ken Aberle. Voted and Passed

  1. Bald Peak Tank Pump Station Capital Improvement Project – job requires tree and stump removal around the reservoir. Due to budgeting, recommended we work on trees and ground prep in this year’s budget and look at budgeting remainder of the project in 2022. Motion to approve tree removal by Ken Aberle. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted and Passed
  1. Voting Results & Board Position Elections – Don Wicks and Lisa Dutz re-elected. Megan Corvus elected for 3 year position. David McAdams elected for 1 year position.

President & Chair – Don Wicks

Motion to approve by Ken Aberle. Seconded by Tom Gunn. Voted & Passed

Vice President – Ken Aberle

Motion to approve by Don Wicks. Seconded by Tom Gunn. Voted & Passed

Secretary – Linda Fountain

Motion to approve by Don Wicks. Seconded by Tom Gunn. Voted & Passed

Treasurer – Amber Morgan

Motion to approve by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Tom Gunn. Voted & Passed

Other Business

  1. Check signers – Asked for volunteers to be added as a check signer to replace departing board members Mike Steffl and Mark Franzen. Laurie to contact bank to have them removed and Ken Aberle has volunteered to be added as a signer, leaving 3 signers: Linda Fountain, Tom Gunn and Ken Aberle.

Motion to adjorn by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Ken Aberle. Voted & Passed.

Meeting Adjourned at 6:31pm