Board Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2020


Board Members Present: Don Wicks, Linda Fountain, Ken Aberle, Lisa Dutz, Mike Steffl, Amber Morgan

Board Members Absent: Tom Gunn, Malcolm Moreno

Staff Present: Laurie Lago

Members Present: None

This meeting of the LA Water Cooperative was called to order at 6:29pm by Don Wicks, Chairman

Secretary’s Report: The minutes of the Sept. and Oct. 2020 meetings were presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Amber Morgan. Seconded by Ken Aberle. Voted & Passed

Treasurer’s Report: Presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Amber Morgan. Voted & Passed

Operation Manager’s Report: Business, Field, and Water Loss Reports presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Amber Morgan. Seconded by Ken Aberle. Voted & Passed

Field Report: Report presented in writing is below:

Leaks Repaired: Hartley Road, Flett Rd, Hardebeck Rd, Gibson Field, and Gibson Road.

Gaston Bridge Project: Leak on water line that only services one property. That section was scheduled to be discontinued and re-connected to the newly installed line at a completely different location at the end of the project. Property owner agreed to be without water at that warehouse location so line could be discontinued during project. Provided on-site coverage at bridge over a two-day period while large support columns were being driven into the ground which was a high risk to our lines due to the vibrations. Went well with no problems.

Power Washed Reservoirs: Power washed both reservoirs at Rossman.

OHA Water Survey: Re-scheduled to Oct 22nd by Inspector due to a conflict. The crew spent several days performing maintenance and internal inspections on reservoirs, pump stations and grounds in preparation for the inspection. Went well and are awaiting results.

Gibson Pump House: Drive continues to burn up, working with Brightside, Jerry Nethkin and PGE to determine cause. Per Jerry’s recommendation, we have ordered and will be installing a transformer which should solve any future problems.

Astleford Pump House: One pump was damaged during power outage. Not repairable and had to be replaced. Kyle and Mason installed and re-plumbed.

Pitt Road Leak: Leak concerns from puddling water, guys dug where they through the leak was and could not locate a leak. Hired Dan’s leak detection and no leak found. Will continue to monitor.

Moreno/Poppy Drive Leak: Main line break found late on Sunday afternoon on 11/15. Prepped area, but not safe to work on in the dark. Had to shut down line overnight and started repair on Monday morning. Called the customers affected and gave them time to collect water before shut-off. Large tree roots had wrapped the line is several areas and the line had to be re-routed around the roots. Current homeowner had not planted the trees, but is going to have the remaining large trees removed to prevent future issues.

Old Business

1. Oregon Health Authority Water System Survey: Inspection done on 10/22, seemed to go well, have not received the final inspection report.

2. Update on electrical connections at pump house for generator: Cost prohibitive, more economical to rent as needed.

New Business

1. Leak Credits: Submitted in writing
Motion to approve by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Ken Aberle. Voted & Passed

2. New Certificate Request: Gibson Rd.
Motion to approve by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Amber Morgan. Voted & Passed

3. New Certificate Forms: no change to any wording on the certificates. Instead of ordering preprinted certificates, we will be printing them ourselves as needed.

4. 2021 Budget: presented a recommended 2021 Budget for board review. Board to email questions and responses. Scheduled to vote to approve at the December meeting.

Motion to Adjourn by Mike Steffl. Seconded by Ken Aberle. Voted and Passed

Meeting Adjourned at 7:13pm

Executive Session Held