May 18, 2017 Meeting Minutes



BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:  Gary Carr, Megan Corvus, Ken Aberle, Linda Fountain, Mark Franzen, Thomas Gunn and Mike Steffl.  BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT:  Caroline Devin

STAFF PRESENT:  Patricia Carr, Kris Conway

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Cam and Lisa Dutz, John Henslee


This meeting of the L. A. Water Cooperative Board of Directors was called to order at 7:00 PM by Gary Carr, Chairman.


Secretary’s Report:  The minutes of the monthly board meeting on April 20, 2017 were presented in writing.  MOTION by Ken Aberle to approve the minutes of April 20, 2017 as presented.  Seconded by Megan Corvus.  Voted.  Passed.


Treasurer’s Report:  The April Financial Summary, April Balance Sheets, April Statement of Operations, and January – December Performance to Budget Report were presented in writing.  MOTION by Megan Corvus to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Seconded by Thomas Gunn.  Voted.  Passed.


Business Manager’s Report:  The Business Manager’s Report and April System Status Report were presented in writing.  MOTION by Linda Fountain to accept the Business Manager’s Report as presented.  Seconded by Thomas Gunn.  Voted.  Passed.


Operations Report:  The April 21 – May 17, 2017 Operations Report, April Consumption Report and 2017 Water Loss Report were presented in writing.  Kris Conway briefly went over the written report giving explanations for the work done in the last month.  Mark Franzen suggested that we should report our water loss in the same manner the cities report their water loss, deducting water used for flushing and the water lost in known leaks that were repaired.  MOTION by Megan Corvus to accept the Operations Report as presented.  Seconded by Ken Aberle.  Voted.  Passed.



Withycombe Pump Station bids:  Kris Conway presented the bid report prepared by Westech Engineering and recommended the Co-op accept the bid by Kizer Excavating with a 4” bypass.  MOTION by Thomas Gunn to accept the bid of $23,035.00 provided by Kizer Excavating for the installation of a new flow meter at Withycombe Pump Station with a 4” bypass and add a 10% contingency to the project cost, giving a total project budget of $25,335.00.  Seconded by Megan Corvus.  Voted.  Passed.


Answering Service:  Gary Carr stated he had checked about VOIP phone service and was told that it would not be an acceptable alternative because we are currently served by satellite internet and there would be a time lag.  No other updates at this time.


Email Invoices and credit/debit card payments:  Linda Fountain stated that she had checked with our billing software company and they do not currently have the capability of sending email invoices.  Meeting with Megan Corvus, Linda Fountain and Patricia Carr will be rescheduled.


OAWU Rate Study Quote:  Kris Conway stated that he had submitted the application with supporting documents for a rate study and he is waiting to hear back from OAWU with a quote.


Office Assistant:  Thomas Gunn stated that he had met once with Patricia Carr to discuss duties and had not been able to meet a second time because she had been out sick.  He stated the Co-op needs to consider where to put another person, the need for another computer, the possibility of outsourcing some of the duties such as mailings, and the possibility of establishing a relationship with a temp service.  Discussed alternate office space.  Gary Carr will continue research on available space.


Discussed rescheduling of open house for Malcolm Moreno.  Set a tentative date of June 25.  Ken Aberle will check with the LACE Center to see if the space is available that Sunday between 2:00 and 4:00 p.m.



McDougal meter hookups:   The letter from Joan Holbrook Payne was presented to the board in writing as well as a draft response.  Discussed.


Goodin Creek master meter replacement:  Discussed the need for replacing the master meters at Goodin Creek Road and at Gibson Road.  Kris Conway will get bids and submit them to the board via email.





MOTION by Thomas Gunn to adjourn at 8:24 p.m.  Seconded by Mark Franzen.  Voted.  Passed. 


Executive Session