Board Meeting Minutes – July 23. 2020



Board Members Present:   Don Wicks, Linda Fountain, Mark Franzen, Ken Aberle, Michael Steffl, Amber Morgan

Board Members Absent:   Malcolm Moreno, Tom Gunn, Lisa Dutz

Staff Present:   Laurie Lago

Members Present:   None

This meeting of the LA Water Cooperative was called to order at 6:03pm by Don Wicks, Chairman

Secretary’s Report – The minutes of the June 2020 meeting were presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Ken Aberle. Seconded by Amber Morgan.
Voted & Passed

Treasurer’s Report – Report presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Ken Aberle. Voted & Passed

Business Report – Report presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Amber Morgan. Seconded by Mark Franzen. Voted & Passed


Field Report – Report presented in writing.

Gaston Bridge Project – The project went out to bid and the construction company selected was Legacy Contracting Inc. They were the lowest responsible bidder at $1,893,744.35. They also are the company that completed the USFW bridge project right next to the Gaston Bridge. Our original engineers estimate for the waterline work, not including mobilization and project management costs, was $184,115.00. Bid came back at $165,761.00. Project is expected to start August 15th.

Bald Peak Main Line Repair (after hours) – Customer drove a piece of rebar into our line resulting in a call-out on a Friday night. Only 4 customers were affected by shut-off of that section, so water was shut-off for the remainder of the night and the crew came in early Saturday morning and ended up having to replace a 10ft section of line because the rebar caused the line to splinter horizontally. Person who damaged line is not a customer and has been billed for the damage.

PRV Fail on Bald Peak (after hours) – Called out for high pressures on bald peak. The 6” PRV had failed. Diverted water through the 2” bypass PRV and pressures stabilized. Parts to repair the 6” PRV on the way.

Leak on Bald Peak – The high pressure from the PRV fail caused a leak further down the line which required replacement of a 5ft section of 6” pipe.

Fire Hydrants Testing and Evaluation – Crew did pressure tests, gallon per minute testing, and use ability evaluation on all remaining fire hydrants. Attached report included for discussion.

Motion to approve by Amber Morgan. Seconded by Mark Franzen. Voted & Passed

New Business

1. Leak Credits – Submitted in writing
Motion to approve by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Mike Steffl. Voted & Passed

2. Request to transfer a certificate from one lot to another – Customer owns 5 lots, four with certificates, asking to transfer one certificate from one lot to another.
Motion to approve by Ken Aberle. Seconded by Amber Morgan. Voted & Passed

3. Fire Hydrant Use Report – Reviewed report showing GPM & PSI and discussed affect on system.
Motion to put signage next to any hydrant that has enough PSI & GPM to fill a tanker and remove any hydrant that can not support the filling of a tanker without adverse effects to our system made by Ken Aberle. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted & Passed

Other Business

1. Staff member requested selling the older flatbed trailers, decision made to keep as backup.

2. Customer’s husband passed away and she no longer wants the inactive water certificate. They received the certificate in lieu of easement, so no cost to the Co-op. Customer to submit letter releasing interest in the certificate for file.

Motion to Adjourn by Mark Franzen. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted and Passed
Meeting Adjourned at 7:20pm