Board Meeting Minutes – November 21, 2024



Board Members Present: Dave McAdams, Linda Fountain, Terry Wymore, Ted Leach, Joel Mulkey, Tom Gunn and Joe Kuran.


Board Members Absent: Don Wicks (phoned in), Amber Morgan


Staff Present: Kylie McDermott, Jason Bayne, Matt Jackson


Guest Present: None


This meeting of the L. A. Water Cooperative was called to order at 5:58 PM by Terry Wymore, Vice President.


Regular Business


Secretary’s Report:  The minutes of the October 2024 meeting were presented in writing.


Motion to approve by Joel Mulkey.  Seconded by Ted Leach. Voted and passed.


Treasurer’s Report: October financials were presented.


Motion to approve by Linda Fountain.  Seconded by Joe Kuran. Voted and passed.


Business Manager’s Report presented in writing.


Motion to approve by Ted Leach.  Seconded by Joel Mulkey. Voted and passed.


Operation Manager’s Reports presented in writing.


Motion to approve by Joe Kuran.  Seconded by Dave McAdams. Voted and passed.


Old Business

  1. Construction Updates
    The estimate for the Cunningham reservoir project has increased from the original estimate earlier in the year. Now included is an extra charge of $13,000 for the powder coating for the tank.  Mission SCADA install on Withycombe pump station and Cunningham reservoir so they can communicate with each other will add $15,000 to the project.  Getting quotes for installation of security fencing.Received easements back from Welliver.  Dave McAdams has reviewed and sent back some changes to insure work will not impact the grass seed crop.


2. Employee Handbook Update
Business Manager to update some wording. Moved to next board meeting.

3. Shut off past due account update
No update, moved to next board meeting.

4. Easement update
Operations Manager still working with the lawyers regarding Jordon reservoir easement.
Reservoir sits on a non-members property.  Original easement and exchange of money was done with previous owner.  Easement was never signed or recorded.

5. Repairs Reimbursement

Repairs reimbursement request moved to the next board meeting.

Motion to approve water leak credit by Joel Mulkey. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted and passed.


  1. Air B&B Update.

Business manager to make a list of Air B&Bs in our service area.  Match up with members. Send a letter to those members with an Air B&B requiring purchase of certificates

  1. Financial Audit.

The business manager is working on getting everything ready for an audit. This is scheduled to take several months.

New Business

  1. 2025 Budget and Proposals

Operations Manager to investigate selling the Tundra and buying a on ton service truck at no cost to the co-op.

Business Manager to do revenue modeling for interest income in 2025.

2. Water Rate Increase

Business manager to make a proposal with 3% and 6% increase.

3. Treasurer’s Proposal See Appendix A for Current Resources & Capital Expenditures.

Motion to approve by Dave McAdams. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted and passed.

4. Leak Credit

Motion to approve by Joel Mulkey. Seconded by Dave McAdams. Voted and passed.


MOTION to adjourn by Dave McAdams.  Seconded by Joel Mulkey.  Voted and passed.   Meeting Adjourned at 8:54 PM