Board Meeting Minutes – September 26, 2024


Board Members Present: Amber Morgan, Dave McAdams, Linda Fountain, Terry Wymore, Ted Leach, Don Wicks, and Joe Kuran.

Board Members Absent: Joel Mulkey, and Tom Gunn

Staff Present: Kylie McDermott, Jason Bayne, Matt Jackson

Guest Present: Andy Turudic, Greta Zuercher, John Chambers, Sharon & Mack Zertanna, Jill Ward, Joseph Zupoko, Connie Thias, Colleen & Keaton Gildersleeve, Brenda Leach, Kathy Hayes, Loren Vaught

This meeting of the L. A. Water Cooperative was called to order at 6:00 PM by Don Wicks, President.

Regular Business

Secretary’s Report:  The minutes of the August 2024 meeting were presented in writing.

Motion to approve by Amber Morgan.  Seconded by Ted Leach. Voted and passed.

Treasurer’s Report: August financials were presented.

Motion to approve by Linda Fountain.  Seconded by Terry Wymore. Voted and passed.  

Business Manager’s Report presented in writing.

Motion to approve by Amber Morgan.  Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted and passed.

Operation Manager’s Reports presented in writing.

Motion to approve by Amber Morgan.  Seconded by Joe Kuran. Voted and passed.

Old Business

  1. Hardship Certificate Application

Member rescinded application, they will get water from a different source. Team tasked with updating the hardship application.  Jason Bayne to remind member that their water certificate covers 15,000 gallons of usage per month.  Violation of the certificate may result in loss of certificate

2. Employee Handbook Update

Reference safety manual.

3. Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Update

Waiting for Lawyer to send confirmation LA Water Cooperative is included in the claim.

4. Shut off past due account update

LA Water Team to continue working to contact the active member. The member does need to follow procedure for have the certificate updated in their name.  The meter is to be moved to the street.

New Business

  1. Budget Review

Budget review has been moved to the following board meeting.

2. Treasurer’s Proposal

See Appendix A

Motion to approve by Dave McAdams.  Seconded by Terry Wymore. Voted and passed.

3. 2023’s 990

Motion to approve by Ted Leach.  Seconded by Amber Morgan. Voted and passed.

4. Construction Updates

Tank Relining: TMS has completed all terms of the agreement. The project will be scheduled shortly.

Cunningham Tank: Based on recommendations by the engineer, we completed geotechnical report on the soil of the site. The preliminary results show the site soil is favorable to install a tank there.

5. Policy Manual Updates

Policy manual updates have been moved to the following board meeting.  Kylie McDermott to provide Board with a copy for the next meeting.

6. Leak Credit

Motion to approve by Linda Fountain.  Seconded by Dave McAdams. Voted and passed.

7. Don Wicks asked the staff to bring an update on outside pending projects. A partial list includes:  Follow up on B&B, follow up and review of all easements, status on moving forward with an audit.


MOTION to adjourn by Dave McAdams.  Seconded by Linda Fountain.  Voted and passed.   Meeting Adjourned at 8:30 PM

Appendix A