BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Gary Carr, Megan Corvus, Mark Franzen, Sandy Pagano, Linda Fountain, Ken Aberle, Caroline Devin, Malcolm Moreno and Mike Steffl. STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Carr, Kris Conway
This meeting of the L. A. Water Cooperative Board of Directors was called to order at 7:00 PM by Gary Carr, Chairman.
Secretary’s Report: The minutes of the rescheduled monthly board meeting on December 27, 2016 were presented in writing. Minutes amended to show that Mike Steffl made the motion to adjourn the Executive Session, Mark Franzen, not Mike Steffl is on the Capital Budget Committee and add under Budget discussion that Sandy Pagano and Patricia Carr are to meet to work on condensing the financial reports and reducing the paper in the board packets. MOTION by Sandy Pagano to approve the minutes of December 27, 2016 with these three amendments, that Mike Steffl made the motion to adjourn the Executive Session, Mark Franzen, not Mike Steffl is on the Capital Budget Committee and add under Budget discussion that Sandy Pagano and Patricia Carr are to meet to work on condensing the financial reports and reducing the paper in the board packets. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted. Passed.
Treasurer’s Report: The Preliminary December Balance Sheets, Preliminary December Statement of Operations, January – December Performance to Budget Report, December 3-year Profit and Loss Comparison Report, and January – December 3-year Profit and Loss Comparison Report were presented in writing. One copy of the December Check Detail was available for review. MOTION by Sandy Pagano to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented. Seconded by Megan Corvus. Voted. Passed.
Business Manager’s Report: The Business Manager’s Report and December Directors’ Report were presented in writing. MOTION by Megan Corvus to accept the Business Manager’s Report as presented. Seconded by Sandy Pagano. Voted. Passed.
Operations Report: The December 27 – January 18, 2017 Operations Report, December Consumption Report, and 2016 Water Loss Report, were presented in writing. Kris Conway brought in copies of the consolidated maps. Discussed that it will take a year to get a completed master plan. Kris Conway will set up a meeting with Denny Muchmore, engineer, and any member of the board who wishes to attend to discuss the master plan. Kris Conway stated he had interviewed a candidate for the Water Utility Worker position and sent a conditional offer letter that was accepted. MOTION by Megan Corvus to accept the Operations Report as presented. Seconded by Ken Aberle. Voted. Passed.
Dixon Mill Road Project Progress Report: On hold.
Bylaws Committee: Discussed gender neutral changes and updating communication references. MOTION by Sandy Pagano to approve the bylaws changes as indicated with gender neutral references and updated communication references and send the draft to the attorney for legal review. Seconded by Ken Aberle. Voted. Passed.
Budget: Discussed budget changes, 501c(12) status and allocating funds for capital projects. Reiterated that the proposed budget is for operations only and does not include capital projects. Discussed 10% rate increase included in proposed budget. Discussed rate increase to go into effect with the January meter reading. MOTION by Megan Corvus to accept Version #5 of the budget as presented. Seconded by Sandy Pagano. Voted. Passed.
Banking: Discussed signers for bank accounts and CDARS account. MOTION by Sandy Pagano to have Megan Corvus, Mark Franzen, Linda Fountain and Mike Steffl as board signers. Seconded by Ken Aberle. Voted. Passed.
Annual Meeting preparation: Discussed preparation for the Annual Meeting. Megan Corvus, Linda Fountain, Patricia Carr and Kris Conway will meet to discuss the annual meeting.
Inactive Certificate Fees: Discussed increasing the inactive certificate fees. MOTION by Linda Fountain to increase the annual inactive certificate fee by $50.00 to $252.00 for 2017. Seconded by Megan Corvus. Voted. Passed.
Gary Carr requested that next meeting we have a cost analysis of how much the meters cost, how much it costs to read them, etc. for review.
Megan Corvus stated that she had added content to the co-op website at Megan Corvus will close the Facebook site.
MOTION by Sandy Pagano to adjourn at 8:50 p.m. Seconded by Mike Steffl. Voted. Passed.