Board Members Present: Dave McAdams, Linda Fountain, Terry Wymore, Joel Mulkey, Ted Leach, and Joe Kuran.
Board Members Absent: Don Wicks, Amber Morgan, Tom Gunn
Staff Present: Jason Bayne, Kylie McDermott, Matt Jackson, and Garrett McCune
Guest Present:
This meeting of the L. A. Water Cooperative was called to order at 5:58 PM by Terry Wymore, Vice President.
Regular Business
Secretary’s Report: The minutes of the April 2024 meeting were presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Dave McAdams. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted and passed.
Treasurer’s Report: April financials were presented.
Motion to approve by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Joel Mulkey. Voted and passed.
Business Manager’s Report for April and May presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Dave McAdams. Voted and passed.
Operation Manager’s Reports presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Dave McAdams. Voted and passed.
Old Business
1. Tank relining update
TMS has e-signed contract. We are expecting the signed hard copy to arrive the in mail shortly. Relining is scheduled for September 2024.
2. 2024 Construction updates
Jason Bayne is working with Blackrock to find a site to stage pipe near the Gaston Dairy line project. There is one business owner that owns a vacant lot near the road where the line is going in. Jason Bayne has spoken to the property owner to ask permission to stage pipes on the vacant lot. Jason will get signed approval from the property owner before staging pipe on the lot.
3. Late Fees
Will maintain $15 flat fee for late fees. The charge will occur on the due date of water bills the 20th of each month.
4. Inactive Certificate
As the business manager was out of office early May, there is no update at this time.
5. Contractor hit waterline
Office has sent the contractor an invoice for work done to repair the waterline hit by the contractor.
6. Updating Master Plan
Master plan only needs to be updated in house as projects are completed, we are not required to update the state every year.
7. Verify Withycombe Flow Meter Accuracy
Field technicians are going to do additional meter reading at the same time Hillsboro Water does our meter read to confirm accuracy of Withycombe flow meter.
New Business
- Budget Review
Budget review was postponed for the next board meeting.
2. Leak Credit
Motion to approve leak credits by Joel Mulkey. Seconded by Dave McAdams. Voted and passed.
The board requests gallons be added to the leak credit summary.
3. CDs and available cash for projects.
Motion to approve moving 100k in funds from Umpqua bank to Heritage Bank to cover project expenses by Dave McAdams. Seconded by Joel Mulkey. Voted and passed.
4. Insurance Renewal
Our insurance provider no longer includes cyber insurance as part of the policy. It is now a separate add on.
Motion to add cyber up to $500 a month additional by Joel Mulkey. Seconded by Dave McAdams. Voted and passed.
5. Accounting process for capitalizing projects.
Kylie McDermott to research the current method versus another method for capitalizing projects on an ongoing basis.
MOTION to adjourn by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Dave McAdams. Voted and passed. Meeting Adjourned at 7:47 P.M