BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Gary Carr, Megan Corvus (7:06 p.m.), Mark Franzen, Linda Fountain, Ken Aberle, and Malcolm Moreno.
BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Caroline Devin, Sandy Pagano and Mike Steffl
STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Carr, Kris Conway
MEMBERS PRESENT: John Henslee, Bret Gutzka at 7:08 p.m.
This meeting of the L. A. Water Cooperative Board of Directors was called to order at 7:00 PM by Gary Carr, Chairman.
Secretary’s Report: The minutes of the regular monthly board meeting on October 20, 2016 were presented in writing.
MOTION by Linda Fountain to approve the minutes of October 20, 2016 as presented. Seconded by Ken Aberle. Voted. Passed.
Treasurer’s Report: The October Balance Sheets, October Statement of Operations, January – October Performance to Budget Report, October 3-year Profit and Loss Comparison Report, and January – October 3-year Profit and Loss Comparison Report were presented in writing.
MOTION by Mark Franzen to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted. Passed.
Business Manager’s Report: The Business Manager’s Report, October System Status Report, and October Directors’ Report were presented in writing.
MOTION by Linda Fountain to accept the Business Manager’s Report as presented. Seconded by Ken Aberle. Voted. Passed.
Operations Report: The October 21 – November 17, 2016 Operations Report, October Consumption Report, and 2016 Water Loss Report, were presented in writing.
MOTION by Ken Aberle to accept the Operations Report as presented. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted. Passed.
Dixon Mill Road Project Progress Report: On hold
Bylaws Committee: Linda Fountain and Gary Carr have reviewed the bylaws and will present a report at the December meeting.
Engineering RFP: On hold until December board meeting.
Meters: Pat Hart from Ferguson gave a brief presentation and answered questions about the Sensus meter system. Master meter replacements are estimated to cost $2,600.00 each for the Gibson and Goodin Creek meters. Discussed features of the Sensus meter system. Will review this and possible capital budget plan.
Office remodel – IT integration: Kris Conway and Megan Corvus are working on the IT integration. Discussed possible office revisions. Discussed whether or not we want to keep our office on Albertson Road for the long term.
Bald Peak Booster Station: Kris Conway presented the issues in the upper Bald Peak area when the reservoir/water line is flushed. Discussed the need for a booster pump station on the south side of the Bald Peak Reservoir in order to utilize the full storage capacity of the reservoir and maintain water pressure.
Computers: Discussed the possible purchase of updated computers. Decided to use the current computers until software or hardware issues make an update mandatory.
Board Packets: Discussed what reports are needed in the Board packets. Megan Corvus requested a financial changes and/or trends report. Discussed adding financial questions to “Old Business” each month.
John Henslee asked about printing reports for members in attendance at each meeting. Discussed.
Malcolm Moreno questioned the possibility of adding reservoir storage for the valley floor. The board wants to finish selecting an Engineer of Record before such a major project is considered.
MOTION by Linda Fountain to adjourn at 8:51 p.m. Seconded by Ken Aberle. Voted. Passed.