October 19, 2017 Meeting Minutes




BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:  Gary Carr, Megan Corvus, Ken Aberle, Linda Fountain, Thomas Gunn, Mark Franzen and Don Wicks.  BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT:  Caroline Devin and Mike Steffl


STAFF PRESENT:  Patricia Carr and Kris Conway


MEMBERS PRESENT:  Brent Adams, John Henslee, and Malcolm Moreno


This meeting of the L. A. Water Cooperative Board of Directors was called to order at 7:01 PM by Gary Carr, Chairman.


Secretary’s Report:  The minutes of the monthly board meeting held on September 21, 2017 were presented in writing.  MOTION by Megan Corvus to approve the minutes of September 21, 2017 as presented.  Seconded by Thomas Gunn.  Voted.  Passed.


Treasurer’s Report:  The September Financial Summary, September Balance Sheets, September Statement of Operations, and January – December Performance to Budget Report, were presented in writing. MOTION by Thomas Gunn to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Seconded by Megan Corvus.  Voted.  Passed.


Business Manager’s Report:  The Business Manager’s Report and September System Status Report were presented in writing.  MOTION by Linda Fountain to accept the Business Manager’s Report as presented.  Seconded by Megan Corvus.  Voted.  Passed.


Operations Report:  The Field Manager’s Report, the 2017 Water Loss Report and September Consumption Report were presented in writing.  Kris Conway gave a verbal overview of the work done since the last board meeting.  MOTION by Megan Corvus to accept the Operations Report as presented.  Seconded by Ken Aberle.  Voted.  Passed.




Withycombe Pump Station fencing update:   Down payment has been made to Rick’s Custom Fencing.  Work is scheduled to start by November 27th.


Dump truck:  Ken Aberle and Kris Conway went to the City of Hillsboro to inspect the dump truck they are selling.  MOTION by Linda Fountain to purchase the 2003 Chevy 3500 dump truck for $10,000.00 from the City of Hillsboro regardless of whether or not the F150 is included.  Seconded by Ken Aberle.  Voted.  Passed.




East Gaston Bridge:  Kris Conway explained the leaks repaired on the line hanging on the bridge on East Gaston Road and how the line should be moved.  Engineer is working on plans and cost estimates.


Brent Adams addressed the board regarding his request to move his water meter and the costs incurred.


MOTION by Ken Aberle to have Brent Adams pay for the cost of installing the new meter minus the actual meter cost ($468.65) and bill the new customer for the cost of enlarging the trench to install his meter.  Seconded by Don Wicks.  Voted.  Passed.  Thomas Gunn voted Nay.






MOTION by Linda Fountain to adjourn at 9:17 p.m.  Seconded by Megan Corvus.  Voted.  Passed. 


Executive Session convened at 9:20 p.m. and adjourned at 10:00 p.m.

July 21, 2017 Meeting Minutes



BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:  Gary Carr, Megan Corvus (at 7:06 p.m.), Linda Fountain, Mark Franzen, Thomas Gunn and Mike Steffl.  BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT:  Ken Aberle, and Caroline Devin

STAFF PRESENT:  Patricia Carr, Kris Conway

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Malcolm Moreno, Miki and Jerry Kramer, and John Henslee


This meeting of the L. A. Water Cooperative Board of Directors was called to order at 7:02 PM by Gary Carr, Chairman.


Secretary’s Report:  The minutes of the monthly board meeting held on June 15, 2017 were presented in writing.  MOTION by Tom Gunn to approve the minutes of June 15, 2017 as presented.  Seconded by Linda Fountain.  Voted.  Passed.


Treasurer’s Report:  The June Financial Summary, June Balance Sheets, June Statement of Operations, and January – December Performance to Budget Report were presented in writing. MOTION by Linda Fountain to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Seconded by Thomas Gunn.  Voted.  Passed.


Business Manager’s Report:  The Business Manager’s Report and June System Status Report were presented in writing.  MOTION by Linda Fountain to accept the Business Manager’s Report as presented.  Seconded by Thomas Gunn.  Voted.  Passed.


A copy of the July 6, 2017 letter from the City of Hillsboro Water projecting a 1.4% water rate increase for wholesale customers effective October 1, 2017 was presented in writing.


Operations Report:  The 2017 Water Loss Report and June Consumption Report were presented in writing.  Kris Conway stated that they had found and repaired 11 leaks in the last month.  He also stated that the Goodin Creek Master Meter and the Gibson Master Meter had both been replaced and were operational.  MOTION by Megan Corvus to accept the Operations Report as presented.  Seconded by Thomas Gunn.  Voted.  Passed.



Withycombe Pump Station update:  Kris Conway stated that the project was completed and approved.  This project also included abandoning the 4” water line as required by the Washington County project.


Hardebeck Road water line update:  The Washington County culvert project is to start in September.  Washington County will be going down 28’ to replace a culvert.


Laurelwood meter hookups update:  SR Design has called to inquire about the predesign meeting fees. No further action to date.


Answering Service:  no update


OAWU Rate Study Quote:  Kris Conway presented an estimate of $8,000.00 from OAWU to complete a water rate study with projections through 2021.  Discussion.  Board requested a sample of what is contained in a rate study.


Chalice Farms Service Connection:  Meter installed.  They have not hooked up to it yet.



Temporary Water Utility Worker:   Discussed need for additional utility help.  MOTION by Thomas Gunn to hire a temporary, part-time utility worker for 30 hours per week at $12.00 per hour.  Seconded by Megan Corvus.  Voted.  Passed.


Bank transfers:  Discussed closing First Community Credit Union, Unitus Credit Union and Northwest Bank accounts.  (See motion July 21, 2016.)  MOTION by Thomas Gunn to authorize Linda Fountain and Mike Steffl, as signers, to close the bank account at First Community Credit Union and notify Sheri Holland at First Community Credit Union that Daniel Applebee and Malcolm Moreno are no longer on the board of directors for L. A. Water Cooperative.  Seconded by Megan Corvus.  Voted.  Passed.



Kris Conway stated that OAWU had received grant money to do efficiency studies and he had submitted information to Tim Tice for a pump efficiency study for L. A. Water Cooperative.


MOTION by Thomas Gunn to adjourn at 7:59 p.m.  Seconded by Mike Steffl.  Voted.  Passed. 


Executive Session

June 15, 2017 Meeting Minutes



BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:  Gary Carr, Ken Aberle, Linda Fountain, Mark Franzen, and Thomas Gunn.  BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT:  Megan Corvus, Caroline Devin, and Mike Steffl.

STAFF PRESENT:  Patricia Carr, Kris Conway

MEMBERS PRESENT:  John Henslee and Caroline Salsbery


This meeting of the L. A. Water Cooperative Board of Directors was called to order at 7:00 PM by Gary Carr, Chairman.


Secretary’s Report:  The minutes of the monthly board meeting on May 18, 2017 were presented in writing.  MOTION by Tom Gunn to approve the minutes of May 18, 2017 as presented.  Seconded by Ken Aberle.  Voted.  Passed.


Treasurer’s Report:  The May Financial Summary, May Balance Sheets, May Statement of Operations, January – December Performance to Budget Report, AMR Meter Replacement Project Expense Sheet, Master Plan Expense Sheet, Withycombe Pump Station Flow Meter Project Expense Sheet and an Expense Sheet with Miscellaneous Capital Expenses were presented in writing.  MOTION by Ken Aberle to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Seconded by Thomas Gunn.  Voted.  Passed.


Business Manager’s Report:  The Business Manager’s Report and May System Status Report were presented in writing.  MOTION by Thomas Gunn to accept the Business Manager’s Report as presented.  Seconded by Linda Fountain.  Voted.  Passed.


Operations Report:  The May Operations Report and 2017 Water Loss Report were presented in writing.  Kris Conway went over the written report giving explanations for the work done in the last month.  MOTION by Linda Fountain to accept the Operations Report as presented.  Seconded by Thomas Gunn.  Voted.  Passed.



Withycombe Pump Station bids:  Kris Conway stated that they broke ground today for the project.


Answering Service:  Patricia Carr will research alternative options for an answering service.


Email Invoices and credit/debit card payments:  The committee has researched email invoices and accepting credit/debit card payments and found that there are no acceptable options at this time.


OAWU Rate Study Quote:  Kris Conway presented an estimate of $8,000.00 from OAWU to complete a water rate study with projections through 2021.  Issue held over until the requesting board member is present.


Office Assistant:  Discussed limited office space.  No acceptable alternatives have been found locally.  No further updates.


Goodin Creek master meter replacement:  Goodin Creek Master Meter scheduled to be replaced on Monday, June 19.


Open House:  Caroline Salsbery suggested that the Open House for Malcolm Moreno be combined with the LACE Center’s annual strawberry feed for the community and that the Co-op share in the cost of the strawberry feed.  Board consensus was to approve combining these two events and share in the costs up to the previously approved budget amount for the Open House.  Caroline Salsbery is to work with Ken Aberle, the Open House Committee Chairman.



Amendments to PWDS:   Kris Conway presented the amendments to the Public Works Design Standards in writing.  MOTION by Thomas Gunn to accept the proposed amendments.  Seconded by Linda Fountain.  Voted.  Passed.


Hardebeck Road 4” water line:  Kris Conway stated that we are being required to abandon part of our 4” waterline on the north end of Hardebeck Road so Washington County can do a culvert project.


Fee for predesign meetings:  Kris Conway suggested that $600.00 should be adequate to cover our engineering costs and expenses.  The fee will be required to be paid in advance of the meeting.  MOTION by Ken Aberle to set the fee for predesign meetings at $600.00.  Seconded by Linda Fountain.  Voted.  Passed.



Kris Conway stated that he will be scheduling classes for Kyle Culley in the next month.


MOTION by Thomas Gunn to adjourn at 8:21 p.m.  Seconded by Ken Aberle.  Voted.  Passed. 

May 18, 2017 Meeting Minutes



BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:  Gary Carr, Megan Corvus, Ken Aberle, Linda Fountain, Mark Franzen, Thomas Gunn and Mike Steffl.  BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT:  Caroline Devin

STAFF PRESENT:  Patricia Carr, Kris Conway

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Cam and Lisa Dutz, John Henslee


This meeting of the L. A. Water Cooperative Board of Directors was called to order at 7:00 PM by Gary Carr, Chairman.


Secretary’s Report:  The minutes of the monthly board meeting on April 20, 2017 were presented in writing.  MOTION by Ken Aberle to approve the minutes of April 20, 2017 as presented.  Seconded by Megan Corvus.  Voted.  Passed.


Treasurer’s Report:  The April Financial Summary, April Balance Sheets, April Statement of Operations, and January – December Performance to Budget Report were presented in writing.  MOTION by Megan Corvus to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Seconded by Thomas Gunn.  Voted.  Passed.


Business Manager’s Report:  The Business Manager’s Report and April System Status Report were presented in writing.  MOTION by Linda Fountain to accept the Business Manager’s Report as presented.  Seconded by Thomas Gunn.  Voted.  Passed.


Operations Report:  The April 21 – May 17, 2017 Operations Report, April Consumption Report and 2017 Water Loss Report were presented in writing.  Kris Conway briefly went over the written report giving explanations for the work done in the last month.  Mark Franzen suggested that we should report our water loss in the same manner the cities report their water loss, deducting water used for flushing and the water lost in known leaks that were repaired.  MOTION by Megan Corvus to accept the Operations Report as presented.  Seconded by Ken Aberle.  Voted.  Passed.



Withycombe Pump Station bids:  Kris Conway presented the bid report prepared by Westech Engineering and recommended the Co-op accept the bid by Kizer Excavating with a 4” bypass.  MOTION by Thomas Gunn to accept the bid of $23,035.00 provided by Kizer Excavating for the installation of a new flow meter at Withycombe Pump Station with a 4” bypass and add a 10% contingency to the project cost, giving a total project budget of $25,335.00.  Seconded by Megan Corvus.  Voted.  Passed.


Answering Service:  Gary Carr stated he had checked about VOIP phone service and was told that it would not be an acceptable alternative because we are currently served by satellite internet and there would be a time lag.  No other updates at this time.


Email Invoices and credit/debit card payments:  Linda Fountain stated that she had checked with our billing software company and they do not currently have the capability of sending email invoices.  Meeting with Megan Corvus, Linda Fountain and Patricia Carr will be rescheduled.


OAWU Rate Study Quote:  Kris Conway stated that he had submitted the application with supporting documents for a rate study and he is waiting to hear back from OAWU with a quote.


Office Assistant:  Thomas Gunn stated that he had met once with Patricia Carr to discuss duties and had not been able to meet a second time because she had been out sick.  He stated the Co-op needs to consider where to put another person, the need for another computer, the possibility of outsourcing some of the duties such as mailings, and the possibility of establishing a relationship with a temp service.  Discussed alternate office space.  Gary Carr will continue research on available space.


Discussed rescheduling of open house for Malcolm Moreno.  Set a tentative date of June 25.  Ken Aberle will check with the LACE Center to see if the space is available that Sunday between 2:00 and 4:00 p.m.



McDougal meter hookups:   The letter from Joan Holbrook Payne was presented to the board in writing as well as a draft response.  Discussed.


Goodin Creek master meter replacement:  Discussed the need for replacing the master meters at Goodin Creek Road and at Gibson Road.  Kris Conway will get bids and submit them to the board via email.





MOTION by Thomas Gunn to adjourn at 8:24 p.m.  Seconded by Mark Franzen.  Voted.  Passed. 


Executive Session


April 20, 2017 Meeting Minutes



BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:  Gary Carr, Megan Corvus (at 7:04 p.m.), Mark Franzen, Linda Fountain, Ken Aberle, Caroline Devin (at 7:08 p.m.), Thomas Gunn and Mike Steffl.  STAFF PRESENT:  Patricia Carr, Kris Conway (at 7:07 p.m.)


This meeting of the L. A. Water Cooperative Board of Directors was called to order at 7:00 PM by Gary Carr, Chairman.


Secretary’s Report:  The minutes of the monthly board meeting on March 16, 2017 were presented in writing.  MOTION by Mike Steffl to approve the minutes of March 16, 2017 as presented.  Seconded by Thomas Gunn.  Voted.  Passed.


Treasurer’s Report:  The March Financial Summary, March Balance Sheets, March Statement of Operations, and January – December Performance to Budget Report were presented in writing.  MOTION by Thomas Gunn to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Seconded by Linda Fountain.  Voted.  Passed.


Business Manager’s Report:  The Business Manager’s Report and March System Status Report were presented in writing.  MOTION by Linda Fountain to accept the Business Manager’s Report as presented.  Seconded by Thomas Gunn.  Voted.  Passed.


Operations Report:  The March 16 – April 20, 2017 Operations Report and 2017 Water Loss Report were presented in writing.  Kris Conway stated that 80 of the new meters have been installed on Olson Road, Goodin Creek Road and part of Hwy 47.  Kris also stated that Washington County will be doing a culvert project on Withycombe Road.  MOTION by Megan Corvus to accept the Operations Report as presented.  Seconded by Linda Fountain.  Voted.  Passed.



Expanded payment options:  Discussed emailing invoices and accepting credit/debit card payments.  Gary Carr expressed his concern about possible legal liability to the Co-op for credit card handling.  Discussed the costs of offering these services.  Megan Corvus suggested we come up with a pro/con checklist.  Linda Fountain will do more research and report back to the board.


Website ownership:  Discussed who will be doing updates to the website and what should be on the website.  Kris Conway stated that Cross Connection information and a link to the Oregon Health Authority website for water tests should be included.  It was suggested that the minutes should also be posted monthly.  Megan Corvus will meet with Patricia Carr to go over the website update process.



Election of officers: 

Linda Fountain nominated Megan Corvus for President.  Voted.  Passed.

Ken Aberle nominated Gary Carr for Chairman.  Voted.  Passed.

Linda Fountain nominated Ken Aberle for Vice President.  Voted.  Passed.

Megan Corvus nominated Caroline Devin for Treasurer.  Voted.  Passed.

Thomas Gunn nominated Linda Fountain for Secretary.  Voted.  Passed.


Withycombe Pump Station Bid Schedule:  Kris Conway stated that the Withycombe Pump Station Flow Meter Project will go out to bid next month.  The bid proposal will be sent to 4 firms and will be open for 3 weeks.  Kris Conway and our engineer will be responsible for inspecting the project.


Construction Standards:  Kris Conway brought printed copies of updated Construction Standards.  Discussion.  MOTION by Thomas Gunn to accept the Construction Standards prepared by Westech Engineering and reviewed by Kris Conway as presented to the board.  Seconded by Megan Corvus.  Voted.  Passed.


Thank You Open House:  Discussed having an open house at the LACE Center on May 21, 2017 to thank Malcolm Moreno for his years of service.  Set up a committee to plan the open house.  Ken Aberle, Lisa Dutz and Wendy Nethken will form the committee.  MOTION by Thomas Gunn to authorize up to $500.00 for the open house budget.  Seconded by Megan Corvus.  Voted.  Passed.  Ken Aberle will look in to some form of commemoration.  MOTION by Thomas Gunn to authorize an additional $100.00 for this commemoration.  Seconded by Mark Franzen.   Voted.  Passed.


Bank Funds Transfers:  Discussed transferring funds between the Money Market account and the Checking account to avoid overdrafts.  MOTION by Mark Franzen to allow the Business Manager to transfer funds between the checking and money market accounts at Premier Community Bank.  Seconded by Thomas Gunn.  Voted.  Passed.


Answering Service:  Discussed.  Megan Corvus will do more research on options, including VOIP.


Rate Study:  Discussed having OAWU do a rate study.  Kris Conway will contact Jason Green and get a quote and information on what is covered in an OAWU rate study before the next board meeting.  Mark Franzen pointed out that our rates are currently set based on our financial needs.  Board will consider the benefits of a rate study.


Office Staffing:  Discussed hiring a part-time, backup assistant for the office.  Megan Corvus will review the budget.  Thomas Gunn will evaluate the workload with Patricia Carr.


Illegal hookups:  Kris Conway will do the background research and write a draft policy for procedures on handling illegal hookups to present to the board at the next board meeting.





MOTION by Thomas Gunn to adjourn at 8:35 p.m.  Seconded by Mike Steffl.  Voted.  Passed. 


Executive Session


March 16, 2017 Meeting Minutes



BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:  Gary Carr, Megan Corvus, Mark Franzen, Sandy Pagano, Linda Fountain, Ken Aberle, Caroline Devin, Malcolm Moreno and Mike Steffl.


STAFF PRESENT:  Patricia Carr, Kris Conway


This meeting of the L. A. Water Cooperative Board of Directors was called to order at 7:00 PM by Gary Carr, Chairman.


Secretary’s Report:  The minutes of the monthly board meeting on February 16, 2017 were presented in writing.  MOTION by Sandy Pagano to approve the minutes of February 16, 2017 as presented.  Seconded by Mike Steffl.  Voted.  Passed.


Treasurer’s Report:  The February Financial Summary, February Balance Sheets, February Statement of Operations, and January – December Performance to Budget Report were presented in writing. MOTION by Linda Fountain to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Seconded by Ken Aberle.  Voted.  Passed.


Business Manager’s Report:  The Business Manager’s Report and February System Status Report were presented in writing.  MOTION by Sandy Pagano to accept the Business Manager’s Report as presented.  Seconded by Megan Corvus.  Voted.  Passed.


Patricia Carr stated that the City of Hillsboro has notified us that they will be raising their wholesale water rates by 1.4% effective October 1, 2017.


Operations Report:  The February 16 – March 15, 2017 Operations Report, February Consumption Report and 2017 Water Loss Report were presented in writing.  Kris Conway stated that 64 of the new meters have been installed.  Kris also stated that Washington County will be doing a culvert project along Spring Hill Road at Sandstrom Road and Hardebeck Roads.  Kris and Malcolm Moreno are to meet and discuss the location of the main line along the project sites.  MOTION by Megan Corvus to accept the Operations Report as presented.  Seconded by Sandy Pagano.  Voted.  Passed.





Annual Meeting:  Discussed Annual Meeting.





Master Plan:  At the last meeting, opportunity was given those interested to meet with the engineer to discuss the master plan.  Ken Aberle, Gary Carr, and Malcolm Moreno went with Kris Conway to meet with the engineer and reported on their conversation.  Discussed the scope and intent of a master plan.

MOTION by Megan Corvus to move forward with Westech Engineering to do a master plan.  Seconded by Caroline Devin.  Voted.  Passed unanimously.







MOTION by Sandy Pagano to adjourn at 7:52 p.m.  Seconded by Ken Aberle.  Voted.  Passed. 



Executive Session


February 16, 2017 Meeting Minutes



BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:  Gary Carr, Megan Corvus at 7:06 p.m., Mark Franzen, Sandy Pagano, Linda Fountain, Ken Aberle, Malcolm Moreno and Mike Steffl.  BOARD MEMBER ABSENT:  Caroline Devin


STAFF PRESENT:  Patricia Carr, Kris Conway   MEMBERS PRESENT:  Bret Gutzka and John Henslee


This meeting of the L. A. Water Cooperative Board of Directors was called to order at 7:00 PM by Gary Carr, Chairman.


Secretary’s Report:  The minutes of the monthly board meeting on January 19, 2017 were presented in writing.  MOTION by Sandy Pagano to approve the minutes of January 19, 2017 as presented.  Seconded by Mike Steffl.  Voted.  Passed.


Treasurer’s Report:  The January Financial Summary, January Balance Sheets, January Statement of Operations, and January – December Performance to Budget Report were presented in writing.  MOTION by Linda Fountain to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Seconded by Sandy Pagano.  Voted.  Passed.


Business Manager’s Report:  The Business Manager’s Report, January System Status Report and January Directors’ Report were presented in writing.  Board did not believe the Directors’ Report was necessary monthly.  MOTION by Sandy Pagano to accept the Business Manager’s Report as presented.  Seconded by Linda Fountain.  Voted.  Passed.


Operations Report:  The January 19 – February 16, 2017 Operations Report was given verbally by Kris Conway.   He reported he had found 4 service leaks in the last month and had repaired one main line leak on Pit Road.  We had a transducer failure at Muddy Gulch which burned out one pump and we have begun installing the radio-read water meters.  This past month Kris Conway has attended a flagging class and received his certificate and he has attended a Cross Connection Class and received his recertification as a Cross Connection Specialist. The January Consumption Report, and 2016 Water Loss Report were presented in writing.   John Henslee asked about the flags in the field off of Sunrise Peaks Road.  Kris Conway explained that he had received a report of a water leak there and they had investigated.  It was found to be spring water and run-off.  He will remove the flags.



Dixon Mill Road Project Progress Report:  On hold.


Bylaws Committee:  Re-reviewed comments from Co-op attorney, Lucas Welliver on bylaws changes.  MOTION by Megan Corvus to accept the suggestions given by Lucas Welliver.  Seconded by Ken Aberle.  Voted.  Passed.



Annual Meeting:  It was presented that the Gaston Fire Department does their drills on Tuesdays and the fire hall would not be available on March 28th.  Discussed moving the meeting to Wednesday, March 29th or changing venue.  MOTION by Sandy Pagano to move the Annual Meeting to Wednesday, March 29th so it can be held at the Gaston Fire Hall.  Seconded by Megan Corvus.  Voted.  Passed.


Bret Gutzka suggested we emphasize the progress being made in water loss.  John Henslee suggested including the cost of the Sensus radio-read water meters and their expected return on investment.  Kris Conway suggested we add some educational information regarding Cross Connection.



Megan Corvus stated that she had spoken to Jason Green, OAWU, and he offered to come to give another presentation when new board members are in place.


John Henslee asked if the financial reports would be available at the Annual Meeting.  Explained that the full Financial Report will be included in the Annual Meeting packets that are mailed to every member in March.

MOTION by Sandy Pagano to adjourn at 7:43 p.m.  Seconded by Ken Aberle.  Voted.  Passed. 

January 19, 2017 Meeting Minutes



BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:  Gary Carr, Megan Corvus, Mark Franzen, Sandy Pagano, Linda Fountain, Ken Aberle, Caroline Devin, Malcolm Moreno and Mike Steffl.    STAFF PRESENT:  Patricia Carr, Kris Conway


This meeting of the L. A. Water Cooperative Board of Directors was called to order at 7:00 PM by Gary Carr, Chairman.


Secretary’s Report:  The minutes of the rescheduled monthly board meeting on December 27, 2016 were presented in writing.  Minutes amended to show that Mike Steffl made the motion to adjourn the Executive Session, Mark Franzen, not Mike Steffl is on the Capital Budget Committee and add under Budget discussion that Sandy Pagano and Patricia Carr are to meet to work on condensing the financial reports and reducing the paper in the board packets.  MOTION by Sandy Pagano to approve the minutes of December 27, 2016 with these three amendments, that Mike Steffl made the motion to adjourn the Executive Session, Mark Franzen, not Mike Steffl is on the Capital Budget Committee and add under Budget discussion that Sandy Pagano and Patricia Carr are to meet to work on condensing the financial reports and reducing the paper in the board packets.  Seconded by Linda Fountain.  Voted.  Passed.


Treasurer’s Report:  The Preliminary December Balance Sheets, Preliminary December Statement of Operations, January – December Performance to Budget Report, December 3-year Profit and Loss Comparison Report, and January – December 3-year Profit and Loss Comparison Report were presented in writing.  One copy of the December Check Detail was available for review.  MOTION by Sandy Pagano to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Seconded by Megan Corvus.  Voted.  Passed.


Business Manager’s Report:  The Business Manager’s Report and December Directors’ Report were presented in writing.  MOTION by Megan Corvus to accept the Business Manager’s Report as presented.  Seconded by Sandy Pagano.  Voted.  Passed.


Operations Report:  The December 27 – January 18, 2017 Operations Report, December Consumption Report, and 2016 Water Loss Report, were presented in writing.  Kris Conway brought in copies of the consolidated maps.  Discussed that it will take a year to get a completed master plan.  Kris Conway will set up a meeting with Denny Muchmore, engineer, and any member of the board who wishes to attend to discuss the master plan.  Kris Conway stated he had interviewed a candidate for the Water Utility Worker position and sent a conditional offer letter that was accepted.   MOTION by Megan Corvus to accept the Operations Report as presented.  Seconded by Ken Aberle.  Voted.  Passed.                                     



Dixon Mill Road Project Progress Report:  On hold.


Bylaws Committee:  Discussed gender neutral changes and updating communication references.  MOTION by Sandy Pagano to approve the bylaws changes as indicated with gender neutral references and updated communication references and send the draft to the attorney for legal review.  Seconded by Ken Aberle.  Voted.  Passed.


Budget:   Discussed budget changes, 501c(12) status and allocating funds for capital projects.  Reiterated that the proposed budget is for operations only and does not include capital projects.  Discussed 10% rate increase included in proposed budget.  Discussed rate increase to go into effect with the January meter reading.  MOTION by Megan Corvus to accept Version #5 of the budget as presented.  Seconded by Sandy Pagano.  Voted.  Passed.



Banking:  Discussed signers for bank accounts and CDARS account.  MOTION by Sandy Pagano to have Megan Corvus, Mark Franzen, Linda Fountain and Mike Steffl as board signers.   Seconded by Ken Aberle.  Voted.  Passed.


Annual Meeting preparation:  Discussed preparation for the Annual Meeting.  Megan Corvus, Linda Fountain, Patricia Carr and Kris Conway will meet to discuss the annual meeting.



Inactive Certificate Fees:  Discussed increasing the inactive certificate fees.  MOTION by Linda Fountain to increase the annual inactive certificate fee by $50.00 to $252.00 for 2017.  Seconded by Megan Corvus.  Voted.  Passed.


Gary Carr requested that next meeting we have a cost analysis of how much the meters cost, how much it costs to read them, etc. for review.


Megan Corvus stated that she had added content to the co-op website at lawatercoop.org.  Megan Corvus will close the Facebook site.


MOTION by Sandy Pagano to adjourn at 8:50 p.m.  Seconded by Mike Steffl.  Voted.  Passed. 


Nov. 17 2016 Meeting Minutes


BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Gary Carr, Megan Corvus (7:06 p.m.), Mark Franzen, Linda Fountain, Ken Aberle, and Malcolm Moreno.

BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Caroline Devin, Sandy Pagano and Mike Steffl

STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Carr, Kris Conway

MEMBERS PRESENT: John Henslee, Bret Gutzka at 7:08 p.m.

This meeting of the L. A. Water Cooperative Board of Directors was called to order at 7:00 PM by Gary Carr, Chairman.

Secretary’s Report: The minutes of the regular monthly board meeting on October 20, 2016 were presented in writing.

MOTION by Linda Fountain to approve the minutes of October 20, 2016 as presented. Seconded by Ken Aberle. Voted. Passed.

Treasurer’s Report: The October Balance Sheets, October Statement of Operations, January – October Performance to Budget Report, October 3-year Profit and Loss Comparison Report, and January – October 3-year Profit and Loss Comparison Report were presented in writing.

MOTION by Mark Franzen to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted. Passed.

Business Manager’s Report: The Business Manager’s Report, October System Status Report, and October Directors’ Report were presented in writing.

MOTION by Linda Fountain to accept the Business Manager’s Report as presented. Seconded by Ken Aberle. Voted. Passed.

Operations Report: The October 21 – November 17, 2016 Operations Report, October Consumption Report, and 2016 Water Loss Report, were presented in writing.

MOTION by Ken Aberle to accept the Operations Report as presented. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted. Passed.


Dixon Mill Road Project Progress Report: On hold

Bylaws Committee: Linda Fountain and Gary Carr have reviewed the bylaws and will present a report at the December meeting.

Engineering RFP: On hold until December board meeting.

Meters: Pat Hart from Ferguson gave a brief presentation and answered questions about the Sensus meter system. Master meter replacements are estimated to cost $2,600.00 each for the Gibson and Goodin Creek meters. Discussed features of the Sensus meter system. Will review this and possible capital budget plan.

Office remodel – IT integration: Kris Conway and Megan Corvus are working on the IT integration. Discussed possible office revisions. Discussed whether or not we want to keep our office on Albertson Road for the long term.


Bald Peak Booster Station: Kris Conway presented the issues in the upper Bald Peak area when the reservoir/water line is flushed. Discussed the need for a booster pump station on the south side of the Bald Peak Reservoir in order to utilize the full storage capacity of the reservoir and maintain water pressure.

Computers: Discussed the possible purchase of updated computers. Decided to use the current computers until software or hardware issues make an update mandatory.


Board Packets: Discussed what reports are needed in the Board packets. Megan Corvus requested a financial changes and/or trends report. Discussed adding financial questions to “Old Business” each month.

John Henslee asked about printing reports for members in attendance at each meeting. Discussed.

Malcolm Moreno questioned the possibility of adding reservoir storage for the valley floor. The board wants to finish selecting an Engineer of Record before such a major project is considered.

MOTION by Linda Fountain to adjourn at 8:51 p.m. Seconded by Ken Aberle. Voted. Passed.