Board Members Present: Don Wicks, Dave McAdams, Linda Fountain, Tom Gunn, Joel Mulkey, and Terry Wymore.
Board Members Absent: Amber Morgan, Lisa Dutz, Ted Leach
Staff Present: Jason Bayne, Matt Jackson, Kylie McDermot
Guest Present: None
This meeting of the L. A. Water Cooperative was called to order at 6:00 PM by Don Wicks, President.
Regular Business
Secretary’s Report: The minutes of the July 2023 meeting were presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Tom Gunn. Voted and passed.
Treasurer’s Report: No Treasurer’s report available at this time.
Business Manager’s Report presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Dave McAdams. Voted and passed.
- Member in receivership will be shut off for lack of payment as the name on the certificate is not included in the receivership paperwork.
- Dental cannot be added until renewal. Linda Fountain to get the quote process started with Regence in mid-September.
- Linda Fountain to ask Upward Access about improving internet. Matt Jackson to look into using Star Link at the Coop.
- Kylie McDermott gave the board an overview of the To-do list she had developed for her position.
- Kylie McDermott to proceed with moving to QuickBooks on-line.
Operation Manager’s Reports: presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted and passed.
- Rock Quarry. Line is complete. New line pressure tested, chlorinated, and sampled. Shutdown most of Gibson Road for about 5 hours. Completed August 15.
- Langley Line. Temporary stop of work due to lack of staff.
- Lambert, Jordan, Gammon. New estimate of for getting the interior replaced very high. Working with a new vendor recommended by our engineer and other municipalities.
Old Business
- Mainline Re-alignment in Rock Quarry. See Operation Manager’s report.
- Langley line has a leak. See Operation Manager’s report.
- Increasing late fees and all other fees. Finalized the correct Hillsboro SDC fee. Jason Bayne (Operations Manager) and Kylie McDermott (Business Manager) to put together proposal for updating fees.
- Letter to bank regarding home in foreclosure. Linda Fountain to ask Amber Morgan for bank information regarding the property.
- Letter to member with multiple homes on their property.
Linda Fountain and Kylie McDermott to collaborate on the letter to homeowner. - Umpqua Bank account not earning interest.
Kylie McDermott to look into options including closing account and investing funds or applying funds towards major projects and present to the board at the next meeting..
New Business
- Leak credits presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Joel Mulkey. Voted and passed.
Need to review the limit on leak credit amount Operations Manager can approves without board approval. - Switch to QuickBooks On-line. Board approved; no motion required.
- Mission Scada. Looking to expand usage.
Jason Bayne and Kylie McDermott to create a return-on-investment report and put a value on decrease in outages. To be presented to the board again. - Need for a heat pump to air condition the office areas. Suggested a 3-zone mini split set up, staff to do install, election needed to install electrical portion.
Obtain a few quotes to compare having them installed by contractor or installing them inhouse in the fall.Motion to authorize heat pump at accost of $7,000 by Dave McAdams, seconded Tom Gunn. Voted and passed
If quote is higher than $7,000, send email to the full board and vote via email. - Sell of tractor and pumps.
Board approved sale of the tractor and attachments.
Jayson Bayne to provide a report on the cost and benefits of replacing the gas pumps with hydraulic pumps to present to the board before selling gas pumps.
MOTION to adjourn by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted and passed.
Meeting Adjourned at 7:39 P.M.
Executive Session