Board Meeting Minutes – August 25, 2022


Board Members Present: Don Wicks, Ken Aberle, Amber Morgan, Linda Fountain, David McAdams, Ted Leach, Lisa Dutz, Tom Gunn

Board Members Absent: Megan Corvus

Staff Present: Laurie Lago

This meeting of the LA Water Cooperative was called to order at 6:05pm by Don Wicks, Chair

Secretary’s Report – The minutes of the July 2022 meeting were presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Ken Aberle. Seconded by Dave McAdams. Voted & Passed

Treasurer’s Report – presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Dave McAdams. Seconded by Tom Gunn. Voted & Passed

Operation Manager’s Reports – Business, Field, and Water Loss Reports presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Amber Morgan. Voted & Passed

Field Report – Report presented in writing is below:

LaSalle Leak – Leak on LaSalle Road towards the top. When we exposed the line where water was appearing on the road, it was discovered that section of line is encased in concrete and the concrete was separated enough to allow the water to leak in that spot. With the pressures in that area over 100psi, that leak could be anywhere in the section of line encased in concrete and the whole section of line encased in concrete will have to be replaced. We hired a vac truck to pothole along the line to determine each end of the concrete sleeve and there is approx. a 400ft section of line that will need replaced. I have contacted our engineer to start the process of permits, engineering, etc. to get this project started. We will need to hire a utility contractor to handle this section of line replacement.

Springhill Leak – Mainline on Springhill was hit by excavator. Luckily it was a quick easy repair and only a few customers were without water for less than 2 hours.

Hartley Leaks – Chased a couple possible leaks on Hartley Road that ended up being Laurelwood Water leaks that we reported to them.

Old Business
1. Mainline Re-alignment in Rock Quarry – Update
2. Service Line on Spring Hill – Update

New Business
1. Leak Credits
Motion to approve by Amber Morgan. Seconded by Tom Gunn. Voted & Passed

2. Insurance Increase for Directors & Officers
Motion to approve the increase of Director and Officer coverage at the provided quote by Dave McAdams. Seconded by Amber Morgan. Voted & Passed

3. Heritage Investment Accounts
Motion to allow Linda Fountain, Amber Morgan, and Tom Gunn to allocate out the investment account of $725K into various CD’s that will come due at 6-month intervals by Don Wicks. Seconded by Dave McAdams. Voted & Passed with Tom Gunn opposed.
4. Update on Interior Tank Coating – information has been sent to Veolia to begin the process of getting a quote on recoating the interior of our tanks that are showing wear.

Other Business
1. Pump Order – Information presented, further quotes requested.
2. 990 – Dave McAdams to review prior to vote

Motion to adjourn by Ken Aberle. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted & Passed
Meeting Adjourned at 7:15pm
Executive Session


Board Meeting Minutes – July 28, 2022


Board Members Present: Don Wicks, Ken Aberle, Amber Morgan, Linda Fountain, David McAdams, Ted Leach, Lisa Dutz

Board Members Absent: Tom Gunn, Megan Corvus
Staff Present: Laurie Lago

This meeting of the LA Water Cooperative was called to order at 6:00pm by Don Wicks, Chair

Secretary’s Report – The minutes of the June 2022 meeting were presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Ken Aberle. Seconded by Dave McAdams. Voted & Passed

Treasurer’s Report – presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Ken Aberle. Voted & Passed

Operation Manager’s Reports – Business, Field, and Water Loss Reports presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Ken Aberle. Voted & Passed

Field Report – Report presented in writing is below:

Springhill Meter Removals – Two meters on Springhill Rd that were no longer valid meters were shut off at the mainline corp stop and removed.

Airey Drive Leak – A old meter that was no longer in service was not disconnected from the mainline. Work being done in the area caused it to break and cause mainline leak. Crew found mainline and disconnected properly at the corp stop and removed old meter.

Rossman Pumps – Both pumps at Rossman are faulty. We were able to find a new motor and rebuild one of the pumps, but the impeller is really bad and we cannot get the part for a few weeks. The other pump is struggling as well, but we can’t get parts for a while. We are watching them closely and have parts on order.

Old Business
1. Mainline Re-alignment in Rock Quarry – waiting on response
2. Service Line – abandon and move – Written Update Provided

New Business

Leak Credits
Motion to approve by Ken Aberle. Seconded by Amber Morgan. Voted & Passed

1. Accounting Information – see attached information
Motion to approve the engagement letter with People First Consulting by Dave McAdams. Seconded by Ken Aberle. Voted & Passed
2. CIP Projects – Discussed Engineer’s meeting and list of projects. Discussed projects that should be pursued by current staff and projects to get quotes from contractors for future planning.

Other Business
1. Heritage Investment Accounts – Need 2 new signers to add to account.
Motion to keep signer Tom Gunn and add signers Amber Morgan and Linda Fountain, by Don Wicks. Seconded by Ken Aberle. Voted & Passed
Motion to adjourn by Ken Aberle. Seconded by Amber Morgan. Voted & Passed

Meeting Adjourned at 7:25pm
Executive Session

Board Meeting Minutes – June 23, 2022


Board Members Present: Linda Fountain, David McAdams, Ted Leach, Ken Aberle, Megan Corvus

Board Members Absent: Don Wicks, Amber Morgan, Tom Gunn, Lisa Dutz

Staff Present: Laurie Lago

This meeting of the LA Water Cooperative was called to order at 6:00pm by Ken Aberle, Vice Chair

Secretary’s Report – The minutes of the May 2022 meeting were presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Dave McAdams. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted & Passed

Treasurer’s Report – presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Dave McAdams. Seconded by Ted Leach. Voted & Passed

Operation Manager’s Reports – Business, Field, and Water Loss Reports presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Dave McAdams. Voted & Passed

Field Report – Report presented in writing is below:

  1. Parmele Leak – Main line leak on Parmele Rd, customers out of water for a short period.
  2. Withycombe Pump – Pump caught fire at Withycombe. Motor failed. HPS replaced motor and pump was re-installed within a few days.
  3. Laurelwood Drive Leak – Leak on Laurelwood Drive. Large section of pipe with PRV, valves and pressure gauges were leaking from several PVC joints. Crew re-did the whole section in galvanized and brass. With the angles and high pressures in that area, the PVC joints will not hold.
  4. Muddy Gulch – One VFD panel blew. Brightside Electrical has ordered a replacement and will install when it comes in. With only one pump in operation, we have Rossman only calling for water from the Albertson ladder until we can get Muddy Gulch back to full operation.
  5. Springhill/Laurelwood Leak – Car blew stop sign at the intersection of Springhill and Laurelwood road and landed in the field across the road and on top of a meter box. When the tow truck pulled the car out, he caught the meter box and broke the lines on both side of the meter. Line was fixed live the next day, so we did not have to shut down water to anyone except the house the meter belonged to. Insurance claim with the car owner’s insurance has been filed.
  6. Poppy Pumphouse – One of the pumps has been rebuilt and re-installed. Pressures are holding much better. But while installing the pump, it was discovered that a valve control which regulates the pump was stuck in an open position. Nick worked during night hours to see if he could clean it and get it working again without success. The only way to replace that part is to shut down the entire pumphouse, putting most of Laurelwood out of water, so the work will be done at night when the part arrives.


Old Business

  1. Mainline Re-alignment in Rock Quarry – Lawyer is working to make contact with owners to discuss their lack of attention to this matter.
  2. Service Line – abandon and move – Written Update Provided


New Business

  1. Accounting Information – see attached information
    Motion to locate local CPA to review and clean-up QuickBooks by Dave McAdams. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted & Passed
  2. Audit – motion to defer audit to 2023 by Dave McAdams. Seconded by Megan Corvus. Voted & Passed
  3. CIP Projects – deferred to next month
  4. Insurance Coverage – directed to get additional quotes on certain coverage
  5. Trailer/Tractor – determine price on selling the JD tractor with attachments & trailer


Other Business

  1. Customer requesting to sell back an Inactive Certificate.
    Motion to approve by Dave McAdams. Seconded by Megan Corvus. Voted & Passed
  2. City of Hillsboro SDC Increase effective July 1, 2022
    Motion to increase our New Certificate Fee by the amount of Hillsboro’s increase, making the new certificate fee $21,431.00 as of July 1, 2022 by Dave McAdams. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted & Passed
  3. Unpaid Inactive Fee for 2022 Inactive Certificate – Motion to send customer letter both regular mail and certified that they have 60days to pay the overdue invoice or they forfeit their certificate by Dave McAdams. Seconded by Megan Corvus. Voted & Passed


Motion to adjourn by Dave McAdams. Seconded by Ted Leach. Voted & Passed
Meeting Adjourned at 7:15pm

Board Meeting Minutes – May 26, 2022


Board Members Present: Linda Fountain, David McAdams, Don Wicks, Amber Morgan, Ted Leach, Ken Aberle, Lisa Dutz

Board Members Absent: Tom Gunn, Megan Corvus

Staff Present: Laurie Lago

This meeting of the LA Water Cooperative was called to order at 6:00pm by Don Wicks, Chair

Secretary’s Report – The minutes of the April 2022 meeting were presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Amber Morgan . Seconded by Ken Aberle. Voted & Passed

Treasurer’s Report – presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Amber Morgan. Seconded by Dave McAdams. Voted & Passed

Operation Manager’s Reports – Business, Field, and Water Loss Reports presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Amber Morgan . Seconded by Linda Fountain . Voted & Passed

  1. Field Report – Report presented in writing is below:Pit PRV’s – Replaced second PRV on Pit Road, adjusted pressures and replaced meter shut off valve on a broken meter valve while water was down.
  2. New Meter Taps – tapped 2 new meters for certificate holders.
  3. PRV Project – crew spent time reviewing and cataloging all PRV locations and sizes, as well as performing landscaping maintenance around the PRV’s, in preparation for rebuilding or replacing as needed.
  4. Landscape Maintenance – Everything is growing, so landscape maintenance around reservoirs and pump stations are requiring more time.

Old Business

  1. Mainline Re-alignment in Rock Quarry – Lawyer is working to make contact with owners to discuss their lack of attention to this matter.
  2. Service Line – abandon and move – Discussion on next steps.

New Business

  1. Accounting Information – Contact an accounting firm other than Jones & Roth to schedule an audit. Also look into a local accountant to do a quarterly review of the books.
  2. Insurance Policy Renewal Update – informed of changes to policy and property values. Look into earthquake and board coverages for next meeting.
  3. CIP Projects – written list of projects submitted and discussed. Operations Manager to meet with Engineer to discuss moving forward.
  4. Trailer – Discussion on whether to keep or sell the spare tilt trailer.


Motion to adjourn by Ken Aberle. Seconded by Amber Morgan. Voted & Passed
Meeting Adjourned at 7:45pm

Board Meeting Minutes – April 28, 2022


Board Members Present: Linda Fountain, David McAdams, Don Wicks, Amber Morgan, Ted Leach, Ken Aberle

Board Members Absent: Tom Gunn, Megan Corvus, Lisa Dutz
Staff Present: Laurie Lago

This meeting of the LA Water Cooperative was called to order at 6:00pm by Don Wicks, Chair

Secretary’s Report – The minutes of the March 2022 meeting were presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Dave McAdams. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted & Passed

Treasurer’s Report – presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Amber Morgan. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted & Passed

Operation Manager’s Reports – Business, Field, and Water Loss Reports presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Amber Morgan. Voted & Passed

Field Report – Report presented in writing is below:

    1. Pit PRV’s – 2 of the PRV’s on Pit Road have been having issues. We replaced one and are scheduling the second one to be replaced.
    2. Bridgefarmer PRV – has been having intermittent issues, so we pulled and rebuilt and is now working fine.
    3. Power Outage during snowstorm – Power was down for several hours during the snowstorm. Crew monitored tank levels, which held until pumps came back up.
    4. Snowstorm Clean-up – Crew spent several days working on cleaning up downed branches and trees around reservoirs and pumpstations due to the snowstorm.


Old Business

  1. Mainline Re-alignment in Rock Quarry – No update at this time
  2. Service Line – abandon and move – Discussion on next steps.


New Business

  1. New Certificate Request
    Motion to approve by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Dave McAdams. Voted & Passed


Other Business

  1. Capital Improvement Projects – discussion regarding re-visiting the capital improvement project list. Operations Manger to have recommendations and items to discuss for next meeting.
  2. Revisit and review accounting info regarding planned audit for 2022.


Motion to adjourn by Amber Morgan. Seconded by Dave McAdams. Voted & Passed
Meeting Adjourned at 6:48pm

Board Meeting Minutes – March 24, 2022


Board Members Present: Linda Fountain, David McAdams, Tom Gunn, Megan Corvus, Don Wicks, Lisa Dutz, Amber Morgan, Ted Leach

Board Members Absent: Ken Aberle

Staff Present: Laurie Lago

This meeting of the LA Water Cooperative was called to order at 5:59pm by Don Wicks, Chair

Secretary’s Report – The minutes of the Feb. 2022 meeting were presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Amber Morgan. Seconded by Dave McAdams. Voted & Passed

Treasurer’s Report – presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Amber Morgan. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted & Passed

Operation Manager’s Reports – Business, Field, and Water Loss Reports presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Amber Morgan. Voted & Passed

Field Report – Report presented in writing is below:

Sunrise Peak/Melott Leak – Leak was discovered on the cross-county line that feed Sunrise Peaks and Melott. Pressure issues were reported late morning, leak located by early afternoon and repaired by 6pm. Break was located under a large tree and break was caused by roots that wrapped and broke pipe. Property owner was having some fire control logging done on his property, so he had the loggers go out the day after the repair and cut down the tree. Most customers just had low pressure all day with only a handful without water completely until the final hour when we had to shut down the line to complete the repair.

Poppy Pumphouse – Continuing to monitor the pumps and have parts and a new pump on order. Pressure is holding just high enough to keep things going for now.

Shop Organization – The crew is continuing to go through the shop and tools to organize and clean up. They have been cleaning tools and small equipment and repairing non-working items that can be repaired and getting rid of old broken tools as well as setting the shop up to be a more functional space. They have successfully managed to make room for all vehicles and water pipe to be stored inside the shop.

Offices – Repaired and filled holes in office walls and painted. Working on cleaning and re-organizing shop office to be functional as an office and all tools and supplies moved into shop area so everything is organized and located in one place.

Old Business

1. Customer water usage limits and rate information
Motion to approve option 1 by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted & Passed
2. Mainline Re-alignment in Rock Quarry – No update at this time
3. Service Line – abandon and move – No update at this time

New Business

1. Welcome new Board Members & Election of Officers
Motion to re-elect all officers to the same positions by Amber Morgan. Seconded by Dave McAdams. Voted & Passed – Don Wicks – President, Ken Aberle – Vice President, Linda Fountain – Secretary, Amber Morgan – Treasurer

2. Customer again addressed board regarding previous decision – No new information given that gave the board reason to reverse previous decision. Recommended customer hire her own engineer to review and will address again if new information is provided.

3. Leak Credits
Motion to approve by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Amber Morgan. Voted & Passed
4. Draft of Financials for Approval – Year-end Journal Entries included for reference
Motion to approve by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Dave McAdams. Voted & Passed
5. Annual Meeting Packet – documents attached for review

Motion to adjourn by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted & Passed

Meeting Adjourned at 6:41pm

Board Meeting Minutes – February 28, 2022


Board Members Present: Linda Fountain, David McAdams, Megan Corvus, Don, Wicks, Lisa Dutz, Amber Morgan

Board Members Absent: Malcolm Moreno, Ken Aberle, Tom Gunn

Staff Present: Laurie Lago

This meeting of the LA Water Cooperative was called to order at 6:13pm by Don Wicks, Chair

New Business

  1. New Certificate Request

Motion to approve by Dave McAdams. Seconded by Amber Morgan. Voted & Passed

  1. Customer addressed Board regarding previous decision

Board heard comments, previous decision upheld.

Motion to adjourn by Dave McAdams. Seconded by Amber Morgan. Voted & Passed

Meeting Adjourned at 6:53pm

Board Meeting Minutes – January 27, 2022


Board Members Present: Linda Fountain, Ken Aberle, David McAdams, Tom Gunn, Megan Corvus, Don, Wicks, Lisa Dutz, Amber Morgan

Board Members Absent: Malcolm Moreno,

Staff Present: Laurie Lago

This meeting of the LA Water Cooperative was called to order at 6:06pm by Ken Aberle, Vice Chair

Secretary’s Report – The minutes of the Nov. & Dec. 2021 meetings were presented in writing.

Motion to approve by Amber Morgan. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted & Passed

Treasurer’s Report – Nov. & Dec. presented in writing.

Motion to push to approve by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Amber Morgan. Voted & Passed

Operation Manager’s Reports – Business, Field, and Water Loss Reports presented in writing.

Motion to approve by Amber Morgan. Seconded by Tom Gunn. Voted & Passed

Field Report – Report presented in writing is below:


Muddy Gulch Leak – leak on line just below Muddy Gulch tank was repaired.

Withycombe Pumps – re-installed pump that was leaking and pulled pump that was making noise. Turbine inside is in very bad shape. New part will take 4 to 6 weeks so we are operating with 2 pumps at Withycombe. Third pump is just as old as the current one that is being repaired, we will pull it and have it checked when we re-install the current one being repaired.

Bridgefarmer PRV – Finally received parts for failed PRV at Bridgefarmer and repair was completed.

Pump House Winterization – Crew has been working on winterizing all pump houses and Reservoir transducers to prevent freezing issues.


We have been low on staff this month due to sickness, so crew has just been doing regular maintenance, handling call-outs, doing inventory, cleaning and organizing in and around shop area.

Old Business

  1. Customer water usage limits and rate information – On Hold

  2. Mainline Re-alignment in Rock Quarry – In Process

  3. Service Line – abandon and move – Lawyer working on response

New Business

  1. Customer wanting to address the board regarding their meter and bill.

Board heard comments and deliberated, letter mailed to customer with response.

  1. Leak Credit

Motion to approve by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Amber Morgan. Voted & Passed

  1. Customer requesting to sell back 2 inactive certificates.

Motion to approve by Dave McAdams. Seconded by Amber Morgan. Voted & Passed

  1. Draft Budget for Review

Motion to approve with adjustment made to Operations Manager salary by Don Wicks. Seconded by Amber Morgan. Voted & Passed

  1. Capital Improvement Projects for 2022 – Staff to do small projects that they can complete

themselves. Due to supply issues and soaring costs, holding off on large improvements,

to re-visit next budget year.

  1. Motions to update Policy Manual

8.2 A 4. Mail a monthly newsletter to each member. Information in the newsletter will vary but will usually include information that has been requested by our members, such as the daily chlorine residual report, information on the most recent repairs, leaks, projects proposed or in progress, general information we believe will benefit our customers, notice of the next Board of Directors Meeting and the minutes of the last Board of Directors Meeting.

Motion to remove this section from the policy Manual.

2.5 C. MINUTES The Minutes shall be available to the Members at the Co-op Business Office. Motion 5-9-96

A condensed version of the Minutes of the following:

1. Regular Monthly Board Meetings (Bylaws 3.3)

2. All “Special Meetings” (Bylaws 3.4), and

3. All “Telephone Conference Meetings” (Bylaws 3.5)

Shall be a part of the L. A. Water Cooperative Newsletter received with the Members’ monthly bills. Condensed minutes are to include, but not be limited to, Board Members present, subjects discussed, motions and all actions taken.

Motion to remove the line “Shall be a part of the L. A. Water Cooperative Newsletter received with the Members’ monthly bills.” And add: “Shall be posted to the LA Water website.”

Motion to Approve the above two changes by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Tom Gunn. Voted & Passed

  1. Annual Meeting – No in person due to covid conditions. Informational packet to be sent

out in lieu of meeting.

  1. IRA Matching

Motion to lower the 7% match voted in 2015 back down to the 3% currently matching by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted & Passed

Motion to adjourn by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted & Passed

Meeting Adjourned at 7:57pm

Board Meeting Minutes – December 16, 2021


Board Members Present: Linda Fountain, Dave McAdams, Don Wicks, Amber Morgan

Board Members Absent: Malcolm Moreno, Ken Aberle, Tom Gunn, Megan Corvus, Lisa Dutz

Staff Present: Laurie Lago

This meeting of the LA Water Cooperative was canceled due to lack of Quorum.

Board Meeting Minutes – November 24, 2021


Board Members Present: Linda Fountain, Ken Aberle, David McAdams, Tom Gunn, Megan Corvus

Board Members Absent: Malcolm Moreno, Don, Wicks, Lisa Dutz, Amber Morgan

Staff Present: Laurie Lago

This meeting of the LA Water Cooperative was called to order at 6:13pm by Ken Aberle, Vice Chair

Secretary’s Report – The minutes of the October 2021 meetings were presented in writing.

Motion to approve by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Dave McAdams. Voted & Passed

Treasurer’s Report – Presented in writing.

Motion to push to next meeting so research can be done to verify P&L Net Income and Balance Sheet Net Profit by Dave McAdams. Seconded by Tom Gunn. Voted & Passed

Operation Manager’s Reports – Business, Field, and Water Loss Reports presented in writing.

Motion to approve by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Dave McAdams. Voted & Passed

Field Report – Report presented in writing is below:

Muddy Gulch Leak – leak on line just below Muddy Gulch tank was repaired.

Withycombe Pumps – re-installed pump that was leaking and pulled pump that was making noise. Turbine inside is in very bad shape. New part will take 4 to 6 weeks so we are operating with 2 pumps at Withycombe. Third pump is just as old as the current one that is being repaired, we will pull it and have it checked when we re-install the current one being repaired.

Bridgefarmer PRV – Finally received parts for failed PRV at Bridgefarmer and repair was completed.

Pump House Winterization – Crew has been working on winterizing all pump houses and Reservoir transducers to prevent freezing issues.

Old Business

  1. Customer water usage limits and rate information – On Hold

  2. Mainline Re-alignment in Rock Quarry – In Process

  3. Service Line – abandon and move – draft response letter from laywer submitted for approval

Motion to send letter with typo and easement width changes by Dave McAdams. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted & Passed

New Business

  1. Leak Credits

Motion to approve – Tom Gunn. Seconded by Dave McAdams. Voted & Passed

  1. Meter re-location on Springhill Rd – previously discussed, customer would like letter of approval if conditions met, vote needed.

Motion to approve for a timeframe of 1 year from today, as long as all conditions outlined in email are met by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted & Passed

  1. Draft Budget for Review – pushed to December meeting
  2. Capital Improvement Projects for 2022 – pushed to December meeting

Motion to adjourn by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted & Passed

Meeting Adjourned at 6:29pm