Board Meeting Minutes – December 17, 2020


Board Members Present: Don Wicks, Linda Fountain, Mike Steffl, Amber Morgan, Tom Gunn

Board Members Absent: Lisa Dutz, Ken Aberle, Malcolm Moreno

Staff Present: Laurie Lago

Members Present: None

This meeting of the LA Water Cooperative was called to order at 6:10pm by Don Wicks, Chairman

Secretary’s Report – The minutes of the Nov. 2020 meetings were presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Amber Morgan. Seconded by Tom Gunn. Voted & Passed

Treasurer’s Report – Presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Amber Morgan. Voted & Passed

Operation Manager’s Reports – Business, Field, and Water Loss Reports presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Amber Morgan. Seconded by Tom Gunn. Voted & Passed

Field Report – Report presented in writing is below:

  • Hydrants: Removed 2 of the inadequate hydrants.
  • Gaston Bridge Project: Running behind schedule, new finish date is now January 15th. Over the next few weeks is when most of the water line work will be done.
  • Gibson Pump House: Pad installed for Isolation Transformer which will be arriving any day. Brightside Electrical will be connecting transformer and then installing new drive.
  • Muddy Gulch: Has been in constant alarm for the past year and not addressed as it was not affecting water supply. Previous operation manager had just disconnected the alarm light to prevent call outs. Kyle and Jerry have been working on figuring out the problem. Kyle downloaded the program and Jerry cannot see an issue. Ordered a new computer interface that will record everything in real time which should allow them to see what is triggering the problem alarm. We have these already in a few pump-houses, but not at Muddy Gulch.
  • Bridgefarmer Pump House: Olsen Tank and Bridgefarmer pump house were not communicating correct levels. We had to manually turn pumps on and off for a few days while troubleshooting and even though we replaced the transducer recently that sends the tank level signals between the tank and pump house, it apparently got too cold and malfunctioned. We had a spare transducer in stock and it fixed the problem. The crew is now re-checking that all transducers are properly insulated on all tanks.
  • Winter Projects: When weather is bad the crew will be completing the office side of the shop area. Ceiling insulation was not covered with plywood and is falling. They will be replacing all damaged insulation and finishing off interior roof and walls with plywood. They will also be cleaning and reorganizing the upstairs storage area.



  • Leak Credits – Submitted in writing
    Motion to approve by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Amber Morgan. Voted & Passed
  • Gaston Line Disconnection and Blow-off Installation – discussed if the previous desire to disconnect from Gaston is still an option as we need to add a blow off on that line for the completion of the Gaston Bridge Project. With the change in staff at L A Water and Gaston, contact the new water operator at Gaston and assess whether we can improve the working relationship between Gaston and LA Water, before deciding to disconnect.
  • 2021 Budget – presented a recommended 2021 Budget for board review.
    Motion to adjust Gaston Bridge line item and approve by Tom Gunn.
    Seconded by Amber Morgan. Voted & Passed.


Other Business

  • Water System Survey Report came back from the October Inspection. Only deficiency was state filing of the CCR’s for 2018 and 2019. Operations Manager confirmed 2019 was filed, but was submitted late and will check on status of 2018 and correct issue.
  • Discussion on Annual Meeting and how to handle due to Covid. Looking at options. Also discussed ways to lower mailing and packet production costs.
  • Customer had questions on swapping a certificate from one lot to another, reviewed policy.


Motion to Adjourn by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Mike Steffl. Voted and Passed
Meeting Adjourned at 6:51pm

Board Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2020


Board Members Present: Don Wicks, Linda Fountain, Ken Aberle, Lisa Dutz, Mike Steffl, Amber Morgan

Board Members Absent: Tom Gunn, Malcolm Moreno

Staff Present: Laurie Lago

Members Present: None

This meeting of the LA Water Cooperative was called to order at 6:29pm by Don Wicks, Chairman

Secretary’s Report: The minutes of the Sept. and Oct. 2020 meetings were presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Amber Morgan. Seconded by Ken Aberle. Voted & Passed

Treasurer’s Report: Presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Amber Morgan. Voted & Passed

Operation Manager’s Report: Business, Field, and Water Loss Reports presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Amber Morgan. Seconded by Ken Aberle. Voted & Passed

Field Report: Report presented in writing is below:

Leaks Repaired: Hartley Road, Flett Rd, Hardebeck Rd, Gibson Field, and Gibson Road.

Gaston Bridge Project: Leak on water line that only services one property. That section was scheduled to be discontinued and re-connected to the newly installed line at a completely different location at the end of the project. Property owner agreed to be without water at that warehouse location so line could be discontinued during project. Provided on-site coverage at bridge over a two-day period while large support columns were being driven into the ground which was a high risk to our lines due to the vibrations. Went well with no problems.

Power Washed Reservoirs: Power washed both reservoirs at Rossman.

OHA Water Survey: Re-scheduled to Oct 22nd by Inspector due to a conflict. The crew spent several days performing maintenance and internal inspections on reservoirs, pump stations and grounds in preparation for the inspection. Went well and are awaiting results.

Gibson Pump House: Drive continues to burn up, working with Brightside, Jerry Nethkin and PGE to determine cause. Per Jerry’s recommendation, we have ordered and will be installing a transformer which should solve any future problems.

Astleford Pump House: One pump was damaged during power outage. Not repairable and had to be replaced. Kyle and Mason installed and re-plumbed.

Pitt Road Leak: Leak concerns from puddling water, guys dug where they through the leak was and could not locate a leak. Hired Dan’s leak detection and no leak found. Will continue to monitor.

Moreno/Poppy Drive Leak: Main line break found late on Sunday afternoon on 11/15. Prepped area, but not safe to work on in the dark. Had to shut down line overnight and started repair on Monday morning. Called the customers affected and gave them time to collect water before shut-off. Large tree roots had wrapped the line is several areas and the line had to be re-routed around the roots. Current homeowner had not planted the trees, but is going to have the remaining large trees removed to prevent future issues.

Old Business

1. Oregon Health Authority Water System Survey: Inspection done on 10/22, seemed to go well, have not received the final inspection report.

2. Update on electrical connections at pump house for generator: Cost prohibitive, more economical to rent as needed.

New Business

1. Leak Credits: Submitted in writing
Motion to approve by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Ken Aberle. Voted & Passed

2. New Certificate Request: Gibson Rd.
Motion to approve by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Amber Morgan. Voted & Passed

3. New Certificate Forms: no change to any wording on the certificates. Instead of ordering preprinted certificates, we will be printing them ourselves as needed.

4. 2021 Budget: presented a recommended 2021 Budget for board review. Board to email questions and responses. Scheduled to vote to approve at the December meeting.

Motion to Adjourn by Mike Steffl. Seconded by Ken Aberle. Voted and Passed

Meeting Adjourned at 7:13pm

Executive Session Held

Board Meeting Minutes – October 22, 2020



This meeting was cancelled due to lack of a quorum.

Board Meeting Minutes – September 24, 2020



Board Members Present: Linda Fountain, Mark Franzen, Ken Aberle, Lisa Dutz, Mike Steffl, Amber Morgan

Board Members Absent: Don Wicks, Tom Gunn, Malcolm Moreno

Staff Present: Laurie Lago

Members Present: None

This meeting of the LA Water Cooperative was called to order at 6:18pm by Ken Aberle, Vice Chairman

Secretary’s Report – The minutes of the August 2020 meeting were presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Mark Franzen. Seconded by Amber Morgan.
Voted & Passed

Treasurer’s Report – Report presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Mike Steffl.
Voted & Passed

Business Report – Report presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Amber Morgan. Seconded by Linda Fountain.
Voted & Passed

Water Loss Report – Report presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Amber Morgan.
Voted & Passed

Field Report – Report presented in writing and below.

Hagg Lake Power Outage: The Hagg Lake fire caused a power outage that affected our Withycombe pump station. The Withycombe pump is the bottom rung of the ladder for pumping water up the line and keeping the Reservoirs full as well as keeping pressure on the valley floor. As a result of the power outage we had lower pressure for 2 days all over the system and a few customers eventually had no water if their meters are lower than their house and they do not have a booster pump on their system. We rented a generator and were getting it hooked up when the power was restored. Most reservoirs were pretty low when we were finally able to get things restored. We kept the generator through the weekend to ensure we would be good if power was lost again due to the fires as generator rentals were sparse.

New Service Tap on Elsinore: Tapped new service tap on Elsinore.

Smoke and Air Quality Issues: Due to the poor air quality, the crew spent more time inside on equipment maintenance, inventory checks, and cleaning and organizing the vehicles, shop and equipment.

Call out for water shooting into Hwy 47 – Old meter tap in corner of field was run over and damaged. Redirected water from roadway and next morning disconnected service line and removed old meter.

Motion to approve by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Amber Morgan.
Voted & Passed


Old Business

1. Easements and service taps on Bald Peak – In progress

2. New office hours – Updated board

New Business

1. Leak Credits – Submitted in writing
Motion to approve by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Mark Franzen. Voted & Passed

2. Oregon Health Authority Water System Survey – Scheduled for Oct. 7th.


Other Business

1. Generator – Informed board we have requested quotes to upgrade essential pump houses for quick generator connecting in case of future long-term outages. Asked that I also look at the cost of purchasing a generator.

Motion to Adjourn by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Mike Steffl.
Voted and Passed

Meeting Adjourned at 6:48pm

Board Meeting Minutes – August 27, 2020



Board Members Present: Don Wicks, Linda Fountain, Mark Franzen, Ken Aberle, Lisa Dutz, Tom Gunn

Board Members Absent: Malcolm Moreno, Amber Morgan, Michael Steffl

Staff Present: Laurie Lago

Members Present: None

This meeting of the LA Water Cooperative was called to order at 6:37pm by Don Wicks, Chairman

Secretary’s Report – The minutes of the July 2020 meeting were presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Ken Aberle.
Voted & Passed

Treasurer’s Report – Report presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Mark Franzen. Seconded by Tom Gunn.
Voted & Passed

Business Report – Report presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Tom Gunn.
Voted & Passed

Field Report – Report presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Mark Franzen. Seconded by Tom Gunn. Voted & Passed

Water Loss Report – Report presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Ken Aberle.
Voted & Passed

Gaston Bridge Project – Pre-construction and Utility meetings were held this month and work has started. Expect the temporary line to be installed early September.

Bald Peak Reservoir – Emergency Callout for low pressure and water loss. The reservoir was low and Kyle spent hours looking for a leak with no luck. With help from Jerry Nethkin it was determined our transducer in the reservoir may be not working. The transducer tells the pumps when to turn on to keep the level up in the tank. Turned on the pumps and left them running all night to keep reservoir full. By morning, a leak had shown up across from Bald Peak park. Leak repaired but did not solve the problem, so parts were ordered to replace the transducer and Kyle and Mason took turns monitoring pumps and reservoir levels through the weekend until we could install the new part the following week, which solved the problem. Ordered back-up transducers for the other reservoirs to have on hand.

Leak on Bald Peak – Mainline leak, caused by a tree root when trees were removed by a contractor working across from the State Park. Contractor used his equipment to assist in repair, so we did not have to mobilize our equipment. Our locates were off.

Albertson Road Leak – Line leak on Albertson Road repaired by Schmidt Contracting. We had mobilized Schmidt to help with what looked to be a large leak on main line near Fire Department because it was test day for Kyle. Leak turned out to be Gaston’s line, not ours. Since we had already mobilized Schmidt, we rediverted them to repair the Albertson Road leak we had been unable to get to due to the Bald Peak issue.

Wisby – Line leak on Wisby repaired.

Bald Peak & Sunrise Peaks 2” Meter – replaced 2” meter on bald peak line that was scheduled to be replaced.

Southwind Drive – Line leak on Southwind Drive repaired.

Springhill Road – Line leak repaired on Springhill across from Gibson Rd.

Parmele – Line leak on Parmele repaired.

Lambert Pump – New pump to replace the blown out pump from June arrived and was installed by Kyle with the assistance of Ferguson & Brightside electrical.

Bald Peak PRV – Parts were replaced on the 6” PRV that failed in July. This week the new box will be placed around the PRV like it should have been when originally installed and we have flaggers hired for traffic control.

Motion to approve by Mark Franzen. Seconded by Tom Gunn.
Voted & Passed


New Business

1. Leak Credits – Submitted in writing
Motion to approve by Ken Aberle. Seconded by Mark Franzen.
Voted & Passed

2. New Certificate Request – Elsinore Lane
Motion to approve by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Tom Gunn.
Voted & Passed

3. Lambert Lane – Discussion regarding 2 properties that have applied for service and been denied due to no storage capacity available on Jordan Reservoir.
No Motion

4. Easements and Service Taps on Bald Peak – discussion regarding service taps on Bald Peak for some inactive certificates becoming active. Customer willing to work with us and give us easements for our lines on those properties. Operations Manager will proceed securing details and bringing back to the Board for consideration.
No Motion

5. Office Hours – Operations Manager requested changing office hours to 7:30 to 4:00 with no closure for lunch. Change allows for all staff to arrive and depart at same time. The change will improve the efficiency of operations, eliminate the hourlong mid-day closure, and improves safety for staff.
Motion to approve with the Operations Manager reporting back next month if there are any negative effects of the change by Ken Aberle. Seconded by Linda Fountain.
Voted & Passed

Motion to Adjourn by Mark Franzen. Seconded by Ken Aberle.
Voted and Passed
Meeting Adjourned at 7:16pm

Board Meeting Minutes – July 23. 2020



Board Members Present:   Don Wicks, Linda Fountain, Mark Franzen, Ken Aberle, Michael Steffl, Amber Morgan

Board Members Absent:   Malcolm Moreno, Tom Gunn, Lisa Dutz

Staff Present:   Laurie Lago

Members Present:   None

This meeting of the LA Water Cooperative was called to order at 6:03pm by Don Wicks, Chairman

Secretary’s Report – The minutes of the June 2020 meeting were presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Ken Aberle. Seconded by Amber Morgan.
Voted & Passed

Treasurer’s Report – Report presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Ken Aberle. Voted & Passed

Business Report – Report presented in writing.
Motion to approve by Amber Morgan. Seconded by Mark Franzen. Voted & Passed


Field Report – Report presented in writing.

Gaston Bridge Project – The project went out to bid and the construction company selected was Legacy Contracting Inc. They were the lowest responsible bidder at $1,893,744.35. They also are the company that completed the USFW bridge project right next to the Gaston Bridge. Our original engineers estimate for the waterline work, not including mobilization and project management costs, was $184,115.00. Bid came back at $165,761.00. Project is expected to start August 15th.

Bald Peak Main Line Repair (after hours) – Customer drove a piece of rebar into our line resulting in a call-out on a Friday night. Only 4 customers were affected by shut-off of that section, so water was shut-off for the remainder of the night and the crew came in early Saturday morning and ended up having to replace a 10ft section of line because the rebar caused the line to splinter horizontally. Person who damaged line is not a customer and has been billed for the damage.

PRV Fail on Bald Peak (after hours) – Called out for high pressures on bald peak. The 6” PRV had failed. Diverted water through the 2” bypass PRV and pressures stabilized. Parts to repair the 6” PRV on the way.

Leak on Bald Peak – The high pressure from the PRV fail caused a leak further down the line which required replacement of a 5ft section of 6” pipe.

Fire Hydrants Testing and Evaluation – Crew did pressure tests, gallon per minute testing, and use ability evaluation on all remaining fire hydrants. Attached report included for discussion.

Motion to approve by Amber Morgan. Seconded by Mark Franzen. Voted & Passed

New Business

1. Leak Credits – Submitted in writing
Motion to approve by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Mike Steffl. Voted & Passed

2. Request to transfer a certificate from one lot to another – Customer owns 5 lots, four with certificates, asking to transfer one certificate from one lot to another.
Motion to approve by Ken Aberle. Seconded by Amber Morgan. Voted & Passed

3. Fire Hydrant Use Report – Reviewed report showing GPM & PSI and discussed affect on system.
Motion to put signage next to any hydrant that has enough PSI & GPM to fill a tanker and remove any hydrant that can not support the filling of a tanker without adverse effects to our system made by Ken Aberle. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted & Passed

Other Business

1. Staff member requested selling the older flatbed trailers, decision made to keep as backup.

2. Customer’s husband passed away and she no longer wants the inactive water certificate. They received the certificate in lieu of easement, so no cost to the Co-op. Customer to submit letter releasing interest in the certificate for file.

Motion to Adjourn by Mark Franzen. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted and Passed
Meeting Adjourned at 7:20pm

Board Meeting Minutes – June 25, 2020


Board Members Present: Don Wicks, Linda Fountain, Mark Franzen, Ken Aberle, Thomas Gunn, Michael Steffl

Board Members Absent: Malcolm Moreno, Amber Morgan, Lisa Dutz

Staff Present: Laurie Lago

Members Present: None

This meeting of the LA Water Cooperative was called to order at 6:03pm by Don Wicks, Chairman

Secretary’s Report – The minutes of the May 2020 meeting was presented in writing.

Motion to approve by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Tom Gunn.

Voted & Passed

Treasurer’s Report – Report presented in writing.

Motion to approve by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Mark Franzen. Voted & Passed

Business Report – Report presented in writing.

Motion to approve by Ken Aberle. Seconded by Tom Gunn. Voted & Passed

Field Report – Report presented in writing.

Gibson Pump House The drive that tells the pump house when to pump up to next reservoir, burnt up and 2 reservoirs were almost empty when we discovered it. Called Brightside out and they were able to repair the same day and water was restored with only one customer noticing slight pressure decrease.

Lambert Pump House – Piping blew out on Pump #2 which is the one that was leaking. Blown piping was a result of the drive issue at Gibson. When the system kicked back after the drive repair, the pressure surge blew the piping on that pump. The pump had been piped by a previous employee and PVC pipe was used which was the incorrect material for the job. Pumps should be plumbed with galvanized or brass. Hurley was not responding promptly on the leaking pump, so we called HPS when the piping blew. They responded quickly and have pulled the pump, unfortunately the pump is too old to get parts and we need to replace the pump. Pump Cost $4258.33 and Kyle will replumb with brass.

ARV Valve on Dixon Mill – An Air Release Valve on Dixon Mill was hit by Washington County Road crew while mowing. Our box was not clearly marked so unable to charge repair to Washington County. Crew repaired and are reviewing markings in other areas to be sure they are clearly visible.

Poppy Road Main Line Damaged – Customer hit our main line while trenching, line repaired and customer billed.

Weekend Callout for Cloudy Water – determined it was sediment from mainline break the day before that cleared after additional flushing.

Pump House Maintenance – Due to the continuous problems with the pump houses recently, Kyle is going through each pump house and making notes of any and/or all deficiencies that we need to look at addressing.

Bald Peak Leak – A line bored under the road up at Bald Peak which has been fixed previously is leaking again and undermining the road. We will be hiring AT Underground to assist in boring under the road and replacing the twice repaired line with a new line.

City of Hillsboro Testing Shutdown – The City of Hillsboro and the Joint Water Commission are planning to perform Breaker Testing at the WTP next week. Starting Tuesday, June 23rd the JWC WTP will shut down around 7:30 am and expect to be offline for 6-8 hours. This will continue both Wednesday the 24th and Thursday the 25th. If the work is not completed in this time frame, we may need another shutdown on Friday the 26th.

They have supplied a “Mitigation Plan” and will be providing a daily status report starting the afternoon of Tuesday the 23rd once they are back online, regarding how things went with the breaker testing, system demands and forecasts, Fernhill Reservoir levels and any other pertinent information that is worth sharing.

Kyle is working on making sure all reservoirs are full before each shut off and will be monitoring our system closely to ensure no area on our system runs out of water.

Motion to approve by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Mark Franzen. Voted & Passed

Old Business

  1. Fire Hydrants – In discussion with Dave Nemeyer of Tualatin Valley Fire District to leave hydrants that are usable for tank filling with signs posted. Dave is agreeable to that possibility and we are in the process of compiling information he requested then we will meet to discuss options.

New Business

  1. New Certificate Requests – Elsinore Lane – Motion to tentatively approve for 30 days on condition of purchase and close of property, by Mark Franzen. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted & Passed

Motion to Adjourn by Mark Franzen. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted and Passed

Meeting Adjourned at 6:30pm

Board Meeting Minutes – May 28, 2020


Board Members Present: Don Wicks, Linda Fountain, Amber Morgan, Mark Franzen, Thomas Gunn, Michael Steffl, Lisa Dutz

Board Members Absent: Malcolm Moreno, Ken Aberle

Staff Present: Laurie Lago

Members Present: None

This meeting of the LA Water Cooperative was called to order at 6:16pm by Don Wicks, Chairman

Secretary’s Report – The minutes of the April 2020 meeting was presented in writing.

Motion to approve by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Amber Morgan.

Voted & Passed

Treasurer’s Report – April reports presented.

Motion to approve by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Mark Franzen. Voted & Passed

Business Manager’s Report – Report presented in writing.

Motion to approve by Amber Morgan. Seconded by Mark Franzen. Voted & Passed

Operations Manager’s Report – The field manager’s report was presented in writing.

  • Meter Reading – The Laptop has checked out as being ok and it was the Sensus VGB unit that was malfunctioning. Sensus gave us a loaner VGB for this month’s reads and took ours in for repair.

  • Dixon Mill Pump – The pump that was replaced in April started failing. Turned out to be a faulty pump and is being replaced under warranty. HPS has provided and installed a back-up pump in the interim until the other pump is replaced.

  • New Meter Tap – Tapped meter on Albertson Road which required boring under the road. Customer hired AT Underground for boring, which we have worked with in the past, and installation went smoothly.

  • Lambert Pump House – Pump #2 is leaking. Hurley engineering will be attempting to fix the pump, possibly will have to replace.

  • Hartley Road Monitor Meter Install – Installed 3” monitoring meter and re-routed the line on Hartley road to replace the meter that had blown out back in November when the mainline broke. Completed landscape repair from break during the winter and the recent repair.

  • Edna Lane Subdivision – Did locating and potholing on Edna Lane to determine line size and location to update maps and be ready for meter hook-ups for the 4 lots for sale on that road. Informed developer that all customers will need PRV’s and Double Check Vales installed on customer side of the meter.

  • Shop and Grounds Clean-up – Any spare time Kyle and Mason have they been working on cleaning up around the shop and grounds. They have taken loads of metal in for recycling and garbage to the dump. They are also working on organizing all inventory and making sure we have commonly used items on hand to eliminate the needs for numerous trips to town for parts when working a job or emergency call-outs.

Motion to approve by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Mark Franzen. Voted & Passed

Old Business

  1. OAWU rate study – Spoke with Tim regarding the one year review – they will freeze the one year and check back with us in the 4th Quarter, due to the economic situation.

  1. Astleford Easement & Fire Hydrant Letter – Working with Fire Department to confirm Hydrant can be used for tanker fill only.

New Business

  1. Leak Credits – Tom Gunn moved to review cost of water and adjust leak credit if needed and send out credits. Seconded by Mike Steffl. Voted & Passed
  2. Two New Certificate Requests – Bald Peak & Flett Rd – Motion to deny based on storage capacity, by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted & Passed
  3. Storage Capacity requirements for new certificates – discussion but no motions

Motion to Adjourn by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Amber Morgan. Voted and Passed

Meeting Adjourned at 7:10pm

Executive Session Held

Board Meeting Minutes – April 23, 2020


Board Members Present: Don Wicks, Ken Aberle, Linda Fountain, Amber Morgan, Mark Franzen, Thomas Gunn, Michael Steffl, Lisa Dutz

Board Members Absent: Malcolm Moreno

Staff Present: Laurie Lago, Kyle Culley

Members Present: None

This meeting of the LA Water Cooperative was called to order at 6:01pm by Don Wicks, Chairman

Officers were elected:

President/Chair – Don Wicks

Vice President – Ken Aberle

Secretary – Linda Fountain

Treasurer – Amber Morgan

Secretary’s Report – The minutes of the March 2020 meeting was presented in writing.

Motion to approve by Amber Morgan. Seconded by Linda Fountain.

Voted & Passed

Treasurer’s Report – March reports presented.

Motion to approve by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Ken Aberle. Voted & Passed

Business Manager’s Report – Report presented in writing.

Motion to approve by Linda Fountain. Seconded by Tom Gunn. Voted & Passed

Operations Manager’s Report – The field manager’s report was presented in writing.

  • Meter Reading – The Sensus laptop crashed and after several attempts to repair, we ended up having to hand read approx. 300 meters, which caused the March billing to be delayed a week. Due dates were extended for March and Sensus is working to have the laptop repaired before we read in April.

  • Dixon Mill Pump –Kyle met with both Brightside Electric and HPS to determine the correct size pump and set-up which should prevent the problems we have been having from occurring again. The new pump was installed.

  • Laurelwood Line Extension – This line was completed and the 5 inactive certificates made active.

  • LaSalle Road Meter Repair – Customer with broken line, turned off our side of the meter and broke the valve. Crew repaired the meter and we are charging customer for repairs.

  • Electrical needs – Brightside Electric has been very responsive and we will continue to work with them for electrical needs. Kyle has been talking with Jerry Nethkin (our old electrician and he is willing to teach and assist Kyle so Kyle can trouble shoot alarms and know how to read the codes. Something our field tech’s need to understand.

  • Leak Detection Equipment – Purchased leak detection equipment for $1498.00. Leak Detection companies were costing us an average of $500 per call out when using the same type of equipment we just purchased. The crew has started proactively working leaks when they have spare time and have already confirmed 3 suspected leaks and are investigating a possible 4th. This will be a great tool for locating or confirming leaks.

  • Gaston Bridge Project – This project is still slated to start this summer. In talks with our Engineer (Denny @ WestTech) and the Project Manager for Washington County (Andrew Morris) for the project.

I don’t believe the Board had been kept fully apprised of the scope of the work involved

and the cost to L.A. Water Coop by the previous operations manager. I have provided

below a breakdown of the estimated costs totaling $247,358.00.

The IGA agreement for the project with Washington County was presented. Washington County has agreed to extend us a payment plan to pay off our portion of the project over a 5 year period.

Gaston Bridge Project Budget Estimate

Our Engineer’s Cost Estimate (details attached)

$ 169,745.00

Subtract our Engineer’s Mobilization Estimate

$ (16,500.00)

Add Washington County’s Mobilization Estimate

$ 30,000.00

IGA/Design Cost

$ 16,113.00

Est. WA County 12% fee for managing (reduced from normal 15%)

$ 20,000.00

Our Engineer’s Fees Estimate (WestTech)

$ 28,000.00

Estimated Total Job Cost

$ 247,358.00

Motion to approve by Amber Morgan. Seconded by Tom Gunn. Voted & Passed

Old Business

  1. OAWU rate study – Informing Tim we are holding off on rate increases due to the current economic situation. Will speak to him about extending our 1 year follow-up time.

  1. Astleford Easement & Fire Hydrant Letter – Lawyer reviewing. Do flow test and confer with Fire Department.

New Business

  1. Board Member Voting Results – Linda Fountain, Ken Aberle, and Tom Gunn were re-elected.
  2. Leak Credits – Motion to approve by Ken Aberle. Seconded by Amber Morgan. Voted & Passed
  3. Request to Sell Back Certificate – Motion to Approve buy back of certificate less Hillsboro SDC Charges and current account balance by Ken Aberle. Seconded by Tom Gunn
  4. New Certificate Request – Motion to deny based on supply evaluation by staff, by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Mark Franzen. Voted & Passed
  5. Gaston Bridge Project IGA – Motion to approve by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Amber Morgan. Voted & Passed
  6. Discussion on how to make the board meetings available to members during this social distancing mandate. Due to the difficulty of large online meetings, members who have issue to address the board with will be sent an invite to join the meeting for their specific session. To be re-evaluated each month until this is over.
  7. Discussion on looking at the budget and seeing if we can cut back in areas due to the economic downturn. Reminded staff to hold off on any purchases that can be delayed at this time.

Motion to Adjourn by Tom Gunn. Seconded by Linda Fountain. Voted and Passed

Meeting Adjourned at 7:06pm

Board Meeting Minutes – March 26, 2020


Board Members Present: Don Wicks, Ken Aberle, Linda Fountain, Amber Morgan, Mark Franzen, Lisa Dutz, Michael Steffl

Board Members Absent: Thomas Gunn, Malcolm Moreno

Staff Present: Laurie Lago